The page collects existing papers and codes on hyperspectral image clustering. If you find this repository useful to your research or work, it is really appreciated to star this repository.
- [TGRS 2023] Deep Spectral Clustering With Regularized Linear Embedding for Hyperspectral Image Clustering [paper]
- [TGRS 2023] S2DMSC: A Self-Supervised Deep Multilevel Subspace Clustering Approach for Large Hyperspectral Images [paper]
- [Information Sciences 2023] Transformer-based Contrastive Prototypical Clustering for Multimodal Remote Sensing Data [paper]
- [Information Sciences 2023] Large-scale non-negative subspace clustering based on Nyström approximation [paper]
- [GRSL 2023] Fuzzy C-Multiple-Means Clustering for Hyperspectral Image [paper]
- [GRSL 2023] Spectral-Spatial Superpixel Anchor Graph-Based Clustering for Hyperspectral Imagery [paper]
- [JSTARS 2023] Diffusion Subspace Clustering for Hyperspectral Images [paper]
- [RS 2023] From Model-Based Optimization Algorithms to Deep Learning Models for Clustering Hyperspectral Images [paper]
- [RS 2021] Unsupervised Diffusion and Volume Maximization-Based Clustering of Hyperspectral Images [paper]
- [TIM 2023] Graph-Based Structural Deep Spectral-Spatial Clustering for Hyperspectral Image [paper]
- [IPT 2023] Fast low-rank-matrix-based connection center evolution for large hyperspectral image clustering [paper]
- [Front. Plant Sci. 2023] Recognition of spider mite infestations in jujube trees based on spectral-spatial clustering of hyperspectral images from UAVs [paper]
- [ICASSP 2O23] Structured-Anchor Projected Clustering for Hyperspectral Images [paper]
- [CISES 2023] Clustering of Hyperspectral Images using Entropy based Multiple Features (Bands) Set Selection [paper]
- [ICOEI 2O23] Hyper Spectral Image Clustering and Local Feature Selection using Gini Impurity [paper]
- [AICV 2023] Multilevel Quantum Evolutionary Butterfly Optimization Algorithm for Automatic Clustering of Hyperspectral Images [paper]
- [CVIU 2023] Unsupervised Clustering of Hyperspectral Data with an Unknown Number of Clusters Using Dirichlet Process Means [paper]
- [Arxiv 2023] Unsupervised Diffusion and Volume Maximization-Based Clustering of Hyperspectral Images [paper]
- [电子测量技术 2023] 基于超像素锚层收敛选点的高光谱图像聚类算法 [paper]
- [广东工业大学学报 2023] 一种基于Fréchet距离的谱聚类算法 [paper]
- [TGRS 2022] Spatial-Spectral Clustering With Anchor Graph for Hyperspectral Image [paper]
- [TGRS 2022] Superpixel-Level Global and Local Similarity Graph-Based Clustering for Large Hyperspectral Images [paper]
- [TGRS 2022] Hybrid-Hypergraph Regularized Multiview Subspace Clustering for Hyperspectral Images [paper]
- [TGRS 2022] Tensorial Multiview Subspace Clustering for Polarimetric Hyperspectral Images [paper]
- [TGRS 2022] Deep Low-Rank Graph Convolutional Subspace Clustering for Hyperspectral Image [paper]
- [TGRS 2022] A Bipartite Graph Partition-Based Coclustering Approach With Graph Nonnegative Matrix Factorization for Large Hyperspectral Images [paper]
- [TGRS 2022] Graph Convolutional Optimal Transport for Hyperspectral Image Spectral Clustering [paper]
- [TGRS 2022] S3TRM: Spectral-Spatial Unmixing of Hyperspectral Imagery Based on Sparse Topic Relaxation-Clustering Model [paper]
- [TGRS 2022] Graph Convolutional Sparse Subspace Coclustering With Nonnegative Orthogonal Factorization for Large Hyperspectral Images [paper]
- [TGRS 2022] Subspace Clustering for Hyperspectral Images via Dictionary Learning With Adaptive Regularization [paper]
- [TGRS 2022] Superpixel Contracted Neighborhood Contrastive Subspace Clustering Network for Hyperspectral Images [paper]
- [TGRS 2022] Unsupervised Self-Correlated Learning Smoothy Enhanced Locality Preserving Graph Convolution Embedding Clustering for Hyperspectral Images [paper]
- [TGRS 2022] Self-supervised locality preserving low-pass graph convolutional embedding for large-scale hyperspectral image clustering [paper]
- [GRSL 2022] Self-Supervised Learning of Discriminative Spatial–Spectral Features for Hyperspectral Images Clustering [paper]
- [GRSL 2022] Fuzzy Embedded Clustering Based on Bipartite Graph for Large-Scale Hyperspectral Image [paper]
- [GRSL 2022] Deep Mutual Information Subspace Clustering Network for Hyperspectral Images [paper]
- [GRSL 2022] Fast Spectral Embedded Clustering Based on Structured Graph Learning for Large-Scale Hyperspectral Image [paper]
- [TCSVT 2022] Spectral–Spatial Feature Extraction With Dual Graph Autoencoder for Hyperspectral Image Clustering [paper]
- [JSTARS 2022] MS2A-Net: Multiscale Spectral–Spatial Association Network for Hyperspectral Image Clustering [paper]
- [JSTARS 2022] Hypergraph Convolutional Subspace Clustering With Multihop Aggregation for Hyperspectral Image [paper]
- [JSTARS 2022] Dynamic Ensemble Learning With Multi-View Kernel Collaborative Subspace Clustering for Hyperspectral Image Classification [paper]
- [RS 2022] Clustering information-constrained 3D U-Net subspace clustering for hyperspectral image [paper]
- [Sensors 2022] Spatial–Spectral Constrained Adaptive Graph for Hyperspectral Image Clustering [paper]
- [IET 2022] Fast robust fuzzy clustering based on bipartite graph for hyper‐spectral image classification [paper]
- [ESIN 2022] Convolution-augmented transformer network for hyperspectral image subspace clustering [paper]
- [ICASSP 2022] Hyperspectral Clustering Using Atrous Spatial-Spectral Convolutional Network [paper]
- [ICASSP 2022] DPSB model-based clustering algorithm for mineral mapping in hyperspectral imagery [paper]
- [WI-IAT 2022] Research on Clustering Algorithm of Hyperspectral Images Based on Fuzzy Kernel P System [paper]
- [SIBIRCON) 2022] Fusion of spectral and texture features for hyperspectral data clustering [paper]
- [MysuruCon 2022] Spatial Granule based Clustering Technique for Hyperspectral Images [paper]
- [Arxiv 2022] A dynamical systems algorithm for clustering in hyperspectral imagery [paper]
- [GRSM 2O21] Hyperspectral Image Clustering: Current achievements and future lines [paper]
- [TGRS 2021] Graph Convolutional Subspace Clustering: A Robust Subspace Clustering Framework for Hyperspectral Image [paper]
- [TGRS 2021] Nonlocal Means Regularized Sketched Reweighted Sparse and Low-Rank Subspace Clustering for Large Hyperspectral Images [paper]
- [TGRS 2021] Deep Clustering With Intraclass Distance Constraint for Hyperspectral Images [paper]
- [TGRS 2021] Sparsity-Based Clustering for Large Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Images [paper]
- [TGRS 2021] Automatic Clustering-Based Two-Branch CNN for Hyperspectral Image Classification [paper]
- [Information Sciences 2021] Graph regularized residual subspace clustering network for hyperspectral image clustering [paper]
- [TSCVT 2021] Deep Spatial-Spectral Subspace Clustering for Hyperspectral Image [paper]
- [GRSL 2021] Fast High-Order Sparse Subspace Clustering With Cumulative MRF for Hyperspectral Images [paper]
- [GRSL 2021] Hypergraph-Regularized Low-Rank Subspace Clustering Using Superpixels for Unsupervised Spatial–Spectral Hyperspectral Classification [paper]
- [GRSL 2021] ClusterCNN: Clustering-Based Feature Learning for Hyperspectral Image Classification [paper]
- [JSTARS 2O21] Self-Supervised Deep Subspace Clustering for Hyperspectral Images With Adaptive Self-Expressive Coefficient Matrix Initialization [paper]
- [JSTARS 2021] A Fast and Accurate Similarity-Constrained Subspace Clustering Algorithm for Hyperspectral Image [paper]
- [JSTARS 2O21] Affinity Matrix Learning Via Nonnegative Matrix Factorization for Hyperspectral Imagery Clustering [paper]
- [JARS 2O21] Efficient subspace clustering of hyperspectral images using similarity-constrained sampling [paper]
- [RS 2021] Deep Spatial-Spectral Subspace Clustering for Hyperspectral Images Based on Contrastive Learning [paper]
- [RS 2021] An Interband Registration Method for Hyperspectral Images Based on Adaptive Iterative Clustering [paper]
- [RS 2021] Unified Low-Rank Subspace Clustering with Dynamic Hypergraph for Hyperspectral Image [paper]
- [RS 2021] Hyperspectral Image Clustering with Spatially-Regularized Ultrametrics [paper]
- [RS 2021] Self-organizing maps for clustering hyperspectral images on-board a cubesat [paper]
- [IET Image Processing 2021] A fuzzy spectral clustering algorithm for hyperspectral image classification [paper]
- [JISMAC 2021] Hyperspectral image processing in internet of things model using clustering algorithm [paper]
- [IEEE Access 2021] Unsupervised Feature Extraction for Reliable Hyperspectral Imagery Clustering via Dual Adaptive Graphs [paper]
- [CVPRW 2021] Generalized Unsupervised Clustering of Hyperspectral Images of Geological Targets in the Near Infrared [paper]
- [WHISPERS 2021] A Multi-Sensor Subspace-Based Clustering Algorithm Using RGB and Hyperspectral Data [paper]
- [InGARSS 2021] Hyperspectral Image Clustering Using Nearest Neighbor [paper]
- [InGARSS 2021] Automatic Clustering of Hyperspectral Images Using Qutrit Exponential Decomposition Particle Swarm Optimization [paper]
- [MLSP 2021] Fast Subspace Clustering Algorithm with Efficient Similarity-Constrained Sampling for Hyperspectral Images [paper]
- [IGARSS 2021] Multiscale Clustering of Hyperspectral Images Through Spectral-Spatial Diffusion Geometry [paper]
- [Signal, Image and Video Processing 2021] Dictionary learning for clustering on hyperspectral images [paper]
- [Arxiv 2021] Large-Scale Hyperspectral Image Clustering Using Contrastive Learning [paper]
- [TGRS 2020] Learning Discriminative Embedding for Hyperspectral Image Clustering Based on Set-to-Set and Sample-to-Sample Distances [paper]
- [TGRS 2020] Multi-Objective Sparse Subspace Clustering for Hyperspectral Imagery [paper]
- [GRSL 2020] Spectral–Spatial Diffusion Geometry for Hyperspectral Image Clustering [paper]
- [IJRS 2020] Hyperspectral image clustering with Albedo recovery Fuzzy C-Means [paper]
- [JSTARS 2020] Affinity matrix learning via nonnegative matrix factorization for hyperspectral imagery clustering [paper]
- [RS 2020] Estimation of the number of endmembers in hyperspectral images using agglomerative clustering [paper]
- [RS 2020] Hierarchical sparse subspace clustering (HESSC): An automatic approach for hyperspectral image analysis [paper]
- [RS 2020] Improving K-nearest neighbor approaches for density-based pixel clustering in hyperspectral remote sensing images [paper]
- [RS 2020] Minimax bridgeness-based clustering for hyperspectral data [paper]
- [Symmetry 2020] Unsupervised clustering for hyperspectral images [paper]
- [Journal of imaging 2020] Unsupervised clustering of hyperspectral paper data using t-SNE [paper]
- [Analytica chimica acta 2020] A graph-based clustering method with special focus on hyperspectral imaging [paper]
- [Traitement du Signal 2020] An Automatic Method for Unsupervised Feature Selection of Hyperspectral Images Based on Fuzzy Clustering of Bands [paper]
- [ICIP 2020] Targeted Incorporating Spatial Information in Sparse Subspace Clustering of Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Images [paper]
- [ICIP 2020] Sketched Sparse Subspace Clustering For Large-Scale Hyperspectral Images [paper]
- [ICASSP 2020] L0-Motivated Low Rank Sparse Subspace Clustering for Hyperspectral Imagery [paper]
- [ICASSP 202O] Patch-Based Diffusion Learning for Hyperspectral Image Clustering [paper]
- [ICASSP 2020] Locally Constrained Collaborative Representation Based Fisher's LDA for Clustering of Hyperspectral Images [paper]
- [ICASSP 2020] Improved Nearest Neighbor Density-Based Clustering Techniques with Application to Hyperspectral Images [paper]
- [SAM 2020] Hyperspectral Image Clustering based on Variational Expectation Maximization [paper]
- [CEC 2020] Multilevel Quantum Inspired Fractional Order Ant Colony Optimization for Automatic Clustering of Hyperspectral Images [paper]