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rasmus-kirk committed Dec 18, 2024
1 parent 259b39c commit ca23fa2
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Showing 2 changed files with 157 additions and 35 deletions.
17 changes: 15 additions & 2 deletions report/header.tex
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@@ -1,7 +1,12 @@

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -68,8 +73,6 @@
\newcommand{\qed}{\hfill \ensuremath{\Box}}
\newcommand{\defend}{\hfill \ensuremath{\triangle}}
\newcommand{\floor}[1]{\left \lfloor #1 \right \rfloor }
Expand All @@ -79,16 +82,26 @@
\newcommand{\ranvec}[1]{ \boldsymbol{\ran{#1}} }
\newcommand{\dotp}[2]{ \langle #1, #2 \rangle }
\newcommand{\ip}[2]{ \langle #1, #2 \rangle }
\newcommand*{\PCDLSetup}{\PCDL.\mathrm{\text{S{\scriptsize ETUP}}}}
\newcommand*{\PCDLTrim}{\PCDL.\mathrm{\text{T{\scriptsize RIM}}}}
\newcommand*{\PCDLCommit}{\PCDL.\mathrm{\text{C\scriptsize OMMIT}}}
\newcommand*{\PCDLOpen}{\PCDL.\mathrm{\text{O\scriptsize PEN}}}
\newcommand*{\PCDLSuccinctCheck}{\PCDL.\mathrm{\text{S{\scriptsize UCCINCT}C{\scriptsize HECK}}}}
\newcommand*{\PCDLCheck}{\PCDL.\mathrm{\text{C\scriptsize HECK}}}
\newcommand*{\ASDLGenerator}{\ASDL.\mathrm{\text{G\scriptsize ENERATOR}}}
\newcommand*{\ASDLIndexer}{\ASDL.\mathrm{\text{I\scriptsize NDEXER}}}
\newcommand*{\ASDLCommonSubroutine}{\ASDL.\mathrm{\text{C{\scriptsize OMMON}S{\scriptsize UBROUTINE}}}}
\newcommand*{\ASDLProver}{\ASDL.\mathrm{\text{P\scriptsize ROVER}}}
\newcommand*{\ASDLVerifier}{\ASDL.\mathrm{\text{V\scriptsize ERIFIER}}}
\newcommand*{\ASDLDecider}{\ASDL.\mathrm{\text{D\scriptsize ECIDER}}}
\newcommand*{\CMSetup}{\mathrm{\text{CM.S\scriptsize ETUP}}}
\newcommand*{\CMTrim}{\mathrm{\text{CM.T\scriptsize RIM}}}
\newcommand*{\CMCommit}{\mathrm{\text{CM.C\scriptsize OMMIT}}}

175 changes: 142 additions & 33 deletions report/
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Expand Up @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ title: Investigating IVC with Halo2
date: \today
- Rasmus Kirk Jakobsen - 201907084
geometry: margin=1.75cm
geometry: margin=2cm

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -47,24 +47,30 @@ on bulletproofs if need be:

In a proof system you have a prover and a verifier:


- Soundness
- Completeness
- Zero knowledge
- Fiat-Shamir



### Incrementally Verifiable Computation

The way Valiant originally described IVC in his [2008 paper]( in the following way:
Valiant originally described IVC in his [2008
paper]( in the
following way:

> _Suppose humanity needs to conduct a very long computation which will span
> super- polynomially many generations. Each generation runs the computation
> _\textcolor{GbFg3}{Suppose humanity needs to conduct a very long computation which will span
> superpolynomially many generations. Each generation runs the computation
> until their deaths when they pass on the computational configuration to the
> next generation. This computation is so important that they also pass on a
> proof that the current configuration is correct, for fear that the following
> generations, without such a guarantee, might abandon the project. Can this
> be done?_
> be done?}_
That is, if we run a computation for 100's of years only for it to output 42,
is there a way for us to know that the ouput of said computation is correct,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -102,10 +108,13 @@ $z$'s, $\vec{z} \in S^{n+1}$:
\caption{A visualization of the relationship between $F$ and $\vec{z}$ in a non-IVC setting.}

In the IVC setting, we have a proof, $\pi$, associated with each state,
so that anyone can take just a single pair $(z_m, \pi_m)$ along with the
initial state and transition function ($z_0, F$) and verify that said state
was computed correctly.
In a blockchain setting, you might imagine any $z_i \in \vec{z}$ as a set
of accounts with corresponding balances, and the transition function $F$
as the computation happening when a new block is created and therefore
a new state $z_i$ In the IVC setting, we have a proof, $\pi$, associated
with each state, so that anyone can take just a single pair $(z_m, \pi_m)$
along with the initial state and transition function ($z_0, F$) and verify
that said state was computed correctly.

Expand All @@ -130,13 +139,13 @@ was computed correctly.

The proof $\pi_i$ describes the following:

_"The current state $z_i$ is computed from applying $F$ to the previous
state $z_{i-1}$ ($z_i = F(z_{i-1})$) and the associated proof $\pi_{i-1}$
for the previous state is valid."_
> _\textcolor{GbFg3}{"The current state $z_i$ is computed from applying $F$ $i$ times to $z_0$
> ($z_i = F^i(z_0) = F(z_{i-1})$) and the associated proof $\pi_{i-1}$ for
> the previous state is valid."}_
Or more formally, $\pi_i$ is a proof of the claim:

$$z_i = F(z_{i-1}) \land (V(\pi_{i-1}) = \top \lor i = 0)$$
$$z_i = F^i(z_0) \land (V(\pi_{i-1}) = \top \lor i = 0)$$

Where $V$ represents the verification circuit in the proof system we're
using. This means, that we're taking the verifier, representing it as a circuit, and
Expand All @@ -145,6 +154,7 @@ also means that the verification time must be sublinear for IVC to work
properly, otherwise


- Explain
- Size graph?

Expand All @@ -153,26 +163,58 @@ TODO:
In 2016, [the Bulletproofs paper](
was released. Bulletproofs relies on the hardness of the Discrete Logarithm
problem, and allows for an untrusted setup to generate the Common Reference
String. It has logarithmic proof size, and lends itself well, especially
to efficient range proofs. It's also possible to generate proofs for arbitrary
circuits, but with less effeciency. Unfortunately, Bulletproofs suffer from
linear verification time, making them unsuitible for IVC.
String. It has logarithmic proof size, and lends itself well efficient range
proofs. It's also possible to generate proofs for arbitrary circuits, but
with less effeciency.

At the heart of Bulletproofs lies the Inner Product Argument (IPA), wherein
a prover proves he knows two vectors, $\vec{a}, \vec{b} \in \Fb_q^n$,
with commitment $C \in \Eb(\Fb_q)$, and their corresponding inner product,
$c = \ip{\vec{a}}{\vec{b}}$. It creates this non-interactive proof,
with only $\lg(n)$ size, by compressing the point and vectors $\lg(n)$
times. Unfortunately, the IPA suffers, and by extension Bulletproofs, suffer
from linear verification time, making them unsuitible for IVC.

### Accumulation Schemes

The authors of [a 2019 paper]( presented
_halo_ the so-called first practical example of recursive proof composition
_Halo_ the so-called first practical example of recursive proof composition
without a trusted setup. Using a modified version of the Bulletproofs-style
Inner Product Argument (IPA), they present a polynomial commitment
scheme. Computing the evaluation of a point $z \in \Fb_q$ on polynomial $p(X)
\in \Fb^d_q[X]$ as $v = \ip{\vec{p}}{\vec{z}}$ where $\vec{z} = (z^0, z^1,
\dots, z^{d+1})$ and $\vec{p} \in \Fb^d$ is the coefficient vector of $p(X)$,
using the IPA. However, since the the vector $\vec{z}$ is not private, and
has a certain structure, we can split the verification algorithm in two:
\textsc{SuccinctCheck} and \textsc{Check}. Using the \textsc{SuccinctCheck}
$\PCDLSuccinctCheck$ and $\PCDLCheck$. Using the $\PCDLSuccinctCheck$
we can accumulate $n$ instances, and only perform the expensive linear check at
the end of accumulation.

In the [2020 paper _"Proof-Carrying Data from Accumulation
Schemes"_](, that this project heavily
relies on, the authors presented a generalized version of the previous
accumulation structure of Halo that they coined _Accumulation Schemes_. An
accumulation scheme consists of the following functions:

- **The Prover:** $P(acc_{i_1}: \Acc, q: X) \to \Acc$

The prover accumulates the instance $q$ into the previous accumulator
$acc_{i-1}$ into the new accumulator $acc_i$.

- **The Verifier:** $V(acc_{i-1}: \Acc, q: X, acc_i: \Acc) \to \Result(\top, \bot)$

The verifier checks that the instance $q$ was correctly accumulated into the previous accumulator
$acc_{i-1}$ to form the new accumulator $acc_i$.

- **The Decider:** $D(acc_i: \Acc) \to \Result(\top, \bot)$

The verifier checks that the instance $q$ was correctly accumulated into the previous accumulator
$acc_{i-1}$ to form the new accumulator $acc_i$.

For a predicate $\Phi: X \to \{ \top, \bot \}$.

Embedding the succinct verifier in the IVC proof claim instead of the regular
verifier means that we can achieve IVC, this time with an untrusted setup.

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -206,7 +248,67 @@ verifier means that we can achieve IVC, this time with an untrusted setup.

### The Implementation

The authors also define a concrete Accumulation Scheme using the Discrete Log
assumption $\ASDL$, which uses the same algorithms as in the 2019 Halo
paper. This accumulation scheme in turn, relies heavily upon a Polynomial
Commitment Scheme, $\PCDL$, which is also described in the paper. Both of
these have been implemented as part of this project in Rust and the rest
of the document will go over these sets of algorithms, their security,
performance and implementation details.

The authors of the paper present additional algorithms for setting up public
parameters ($\CMSetup$, $\PCDLSetup$, $\ASDLGenerator$) and distributing them
($\CMTrim$, $\PCDLTrim$, $\ASDLIndexer$), we omit them in the following
algorithmic specifications on the assumption that:

a. The setup has already been run, producing values $N, D \in \Nb, S, H \in_R
\Eb(\Fb_q), \vec{G} \in_R \Eb(\Fb_q)$ where $D = N - 1$ and $N$ is a
power of two.
b. All algorithms have global access to the above values.

This more closely models the implementation where the values were generated
for a computationally viable value of $N$ and $S, H, \vec{G}$ were randomly
sampled using a hashing algorithm. More specefically a genesis string was
appended with an numeric index, run through the sha3 hashing algorithm, then
used to generate a curve point. The associated rust code can be seen below:

```rust {.numberLines}
// Function to generate a random generator for the Pallas Curve.
// Since the order of the curve is prime, any point that is not the identity point is a generator.
fn get_generator_hash(i: usize) -> PallasPoint {
let genesis_string = "To understand recursion, one must first understand recursion";
let mut data = genesis_string.as_bytes().to_vec();

let mut hasher = Sha3_256::new();
let hash_result = hasher.finalize();

// Interpret the hash as a scalar field element
let mut hash_bytes = [0u8; 32];
let scalar = PallasScalar::from_le_bytes_mod_order(&hash_bytes);

PallasPoint::generator() * scalar

/// Get public parameters
fn get_pp(n: usize) -> (PallasPoint, PallasPoint, Vec<PallasPoint>) {
let S = get_generator_hash(0);
let H = get_generator_hash(1);
let mut Gs = Vec::with_capacity(n);

for i in 2..(n + 2) {

(S, H, Gs)


# $\PCDL$: The Polynomial Commitment Scheme

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -234,6 +336,8 @@ We have four main functions:

The full check on $\pi$.

The implementation relies heavily on the

### $\PCDLCommit$

$\PCDLCommit$ is rather simple, we just take the coefficients of the polynomial and
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -437,6 +541,8 @@ Which corresponds exactly to the check that the verifier makes.

What if we add hiding? Well, then $C_0$ becomes:

TODO: Hiding

C_0 = C' + vH' = (C + \a \bar{C} + \o' S) + vH'
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -558,13 +664,16 @@ hiding has no effect on this check.

## Completeness

$\ASDLVerifier$ runs the same algorithm ($\ASDLCommonSubroutine$) with the same
inputs and will therefore get the same outputs, these outputs are check will
therefore always pass.
$\ASDLVerifier$ runs the same algorithm ($\ASDLCommonSubroutine$) with the
same inputs and, given that $\ASDLProver$ is honest, will therefore get
the same outputs, these outputs are checked and therefore $\ASDLVerifier$
will always accept, returning $\top$.

As for the $\ASDLDecider$, it just runs $\PCDLCheck$, since we know that
$\PCDL$ is sound the $\ASDLProver$ constructed $\pi$ honestly, we know that
this check too will always pass.
$\PCDL$ is sound the honest $\ASDLProver$ constructed $\pi$ correctly,
we know that this check too will always pass.

TODO: Maybe explain why $\bar{C}, d, z, v, \o$ are valid

## Soundness

Expand All @@ -585,7 +694,8 @@ this check too will always pass.
| $\vec{a} \in S^n_q$ | A vector of length $n$ consisting of elements from set $S$ |
| $G \in \Eb(\Fb_q)$ | An elliptic Curve point, defined over field $\Fb_q$ |
| $\vec{G}$ | A vector |
| $(S_1, \dots, S_n)$ | Same as $S_1 \times \dots \times S_n$ |
| $a \in_R S$ | $a$ is a uniformly randomly sampled element of $S$ |
| $(S_1, \dots, S_n)$ | In the context of sets, the same as $S_1 \times \dots \times S_n$ |
| $\dotp{\vec{a}}{\vec{G}}$ where $\vec{a} \in \Fb^n_q, \vec{G} \in \Eb^n(\Fb_q)$ | The dot product of $\vec{a}$ and $\vec{G}$ ($\sum^n_{i=0} a_i G_i$). |
| $\dotp{\vec{a}}{\vec{b}}$ where $\vec{a} \in \Fb^n_q, \vec{b} \in \Fb^n_q$ | The dot product of vectors $\vec{a}$ and $\vec{b}$. |
| $l(\vec{a})$ | Gets the left half of $\vec{a}$. |
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -616,13 +726,12 @@ As a reference, we include the Pedersen Commitment algorithm we use:

```rust {.numberLines}
pub fn commit(w: Option<&PallasScalar>, Gs: &[PallasAffine], ms: &[PallasScalar]) -> PallasPoint {
Gs.len() == ms.len(),
"Length did not match for pedersen commitment: {}, {}",
pub fn commit(
w: Option<&PallasScalar>,
Gs: &[PallasAffine],
ms: &[PallasScalar]) -> PallasPoint
assert!(Gs.len() == ms.len());

let acc = point_dot_affine(ms, Gs);
if let Some(w) = w {
Expand Down

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