- Clone the project to your computer:
git clone "[email protected]:rasodu/AspnetCoreOnHerokuSample.git"
- Create new app in Heroku
heroku apps:create <app-name>
- Set "Config Vars" for the Heroku application:
Logging__LogLevel__Default=Information Logging__LogLevel__Microsoft=Warning Logging__LogLevel__System=Warning TZ=UTC
- Add Heroku git remote to your project :
heroku git:remote -a <app-name>
- Set Heroku project to use contaier:
heroku stack:set container
- Push code to Heroku:
git push heroku master
- Open website:
heroku open
- DockerfileWeb
- heroku.yml
- More information on session affinity here. Execute command below to enable session affinity.
heroku features:enable http-session-affinity
- Add 'Heroku Postgres' addin to the Heroku project
- Set additional "Config Vars" for the Heroku application:
ConnectionStrings__DefaultConnection=Host=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx;Database=xxxxxxxxxxxxxx;Username=xxxxxxxxxxxxxx;Password=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx;Integrated Security=true;Pooling=true;SslMode=Require;Trust Server Certificate=true; DefaultConnectionAutoMigrate=Enabled
- scripts/release-phase.sh
- scripts/test.sh
- Add "New Relic" add-in to your application
- Set "Config Vars" for the Heroku application:
CORECLR_ENABLE_PROFILING=1 CORECLR_PROFILER={36032161-FFC0-4B61-B559-F6C5D41BAE5A} CORECLR_NEWRELIC_HOME=/usr/local/newrelic-netcore20-agent CORECLR_PROFILER_PATH=/usr/local/newrelic-netcore20-agent/libNewRelicProfiler.so NEW_RELIC_APP_NAME=YOUR_APP_NAME NEW_RELIC_LICENSE_KEY=YOUR_LICENSE_KEY <= This should appear by default if you add New Relic add-in in you Heroku app
- scripts/install-new-relic.sh
- Default Heroku Logplex only saves last 1500 entries.
- Enable Logentries add-in over Logplex to save log for logger time and to have web UI to see/search logs.
- Background tasks should be implemented using hosted services.
- A single Asp.net Core web host process should be able to utilize all CPU cores if all actions are async.
- Which files do I need to copy to my project?
- Copy 'DockerfileWebapp' and 'heroku.yml' to root of your project directory
- How do I build image locally?
docker build -f DockerfileWeb -t web .
- How can I run locally built image?
docker run --rm -it --expose=5000 -p=5000:5000 -e="PORT=5000" -e="ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT=Development" --net="host" web /bin/bash -c "cd src/Webapp/bin/Release/netcoreapp2.1/publish/ && ASPNETCORE_URLS=http://*:$PORT dotnet Webapp.dll"
- Where can I see sample website?
- master branch is deployed at https://aspnet-core-on-heroku-sample.herokuapp.com
- develop branch is deployed at https://stage-aspnet-core-on-heroku.herokuapp.com
- Clone the project to your computer:
git clone "[email protected]:rasodu/AspnetCoreOnHerokuSample.git"
- Delete some files:
mv DockerfileWeb Dockerfile rm heroku.yml rm scripts/release-phase.sh rm scripts/install-new-relic.sh
- Change run command in Docker file:
CMD cd src/Webapp/bin/Release/netcoreapp2.1/publish/ && ASPNETCORE_URLS=http://*:$PORT dotnet Webapp.dll
- Commit the changes:
git add . && git commit -m "Modify to support Dokku."
- Create a new Dokku app:
dokku apps:create aspnet-core-on-heroku-sample
- Setup config vars. Use command:
dokku config:set aspnet-core-on-heroku-sample KEY="VAL\ WITH\ SPACES"
dokku config:set aspnet-core-on-heroku-sample DOKKU_DOCKERFILE_CACHE_BUILD=true <- dcrease build time dokku config:set aspnet-core-on-heroku-sample PORT="5000" dokku config:set aspnet-core-on-heroku-sample DOKKU_DOCKERFILE_PORT="5000" <AND VARS FROM CONFIG SECTION ABOVE>
- Add git remote:
git remote add dokku dokku@<domain>.com:aspnet-core-on-heroku-sample
- Push the code to repository:
git push dokku master
- Add letsencrypt
dokku config:set --no-restart aspnet-core-on-heroku-sample DOKKU_LETSENCRYPT_EMAIL=<[email protected]> dokku letsencrypt aspnet-core-on-heroku-sample dokku letsencrypt:cron-job --add aspnet-core-on-heroku-sample
- List all Dokku apps
ssh [email protected] && dokku apps:list OR ssh [email protected] apps:list
- Maintenance commands
dokku maintenance <app-name> -> find maintenance status of the application dokku maintenance:on my-app -> turn on maintenance mode dokku maintenance:off my-app -> turn off maintenance mode
- Configuration commands
dokku config <app-name> -> list all env names and they values dokku config:set <app-name> <env-name>=<env-value> -> set a variable dokku config:unset <app-name> <env-name> -> unset a variable
- URL commands
dokku urls <app-name> -> list all domains configured for an application dokku domains:add <app-name> <domain>.com -> add domain name
- Dokku build, rebuild and cleanup commands commands
dokku ps:rebuild <app-name> -> Rebuild the application dokku ps:restart <app-name> -> Rebuild the application dokku cleanup -> Remove extra contianers
- Other information
dokku --trace apps -> location of plugin folder - PLUGIN_PATH=/var/lib/dokku/plugins, PLUGIN_CORE_PATH=/var/lib/dokku/core-plugins - /home/dokku/<app-name>/ -> Home folder for an application