ROS package suites of Raspberry Pi Gibbon Controller
requires the following to run controller on Raspberry Pi 3:
- Ubuntu
- Ubuntu Xenial 16.04
- Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 recomended
- Ubuntu Xenial 16.04
- ROS Kinetic
- Device Driver
First, install the latest stable version of ROS Kinetic.
sudo apt install ros-kinetic-ros-base
Next, install the latest stable version of raspigibbon_driver.
cd ~/
git clone
cd raspigibbon_driver_installer
sudo make install
Then, download this repository into ~/catkin_ws/src
and build it.
cd ~/catkin_ws/src
git clone
cd ~/catkin_ws && catkin_make && source ~/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash
First, install the latest stable version of ROS Kinetic.
sudo apt install ros-kinetic-desktop-full
Next, download this repository into ~/catkin_ws/src
and build it.
cd ~/catkin_ws/src
git clone
cd ~/catkin_ws && catkin_make && source ~/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash
joint data publisher mode
roslaunch raspigibbon_bringup raspigibbon_joint_publisher.launch
joint data subscriber mode
roslaunch raspigibbon_bringup raspigibbon_joint_subscriber.launch
joint data publisher mode
roslaunch raspigibbon_description display_urdf.launch
roslaunch raspigibbon_bringup rviz_joint_publisher.launch
joint data subscriber mode
roslaunch raspigibbon_description display_urdf.launch
roslaunch raspigibbon_bringup rviz_joint_subscriber.launch
This repository is licensed under the MIT license, see LICENSE.
Unless attributed otherwise, everything is under the MIT license.
- Tiryoh/RS30X - MIT license
- futaba_serial_servo package