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A custom Emacs config

This is my Emacs config based on purcell's structure.

Supported Emacs versions

Use the latest released Emacs version available to you. The author typically uses the latest stable version.

The config should run on Emacs 27.1 or greater and is designed to degrade smoothly - see the CI build - but many enhancements may be unavailable if your Emacs is too old, and in general you should try to use the latest stable Emacs release like I do.


  • Appearance
    • Dashboard
    • Good Scroll
  • Project Management
    • Projectile
  • Programming
    • Rainbow Delimiters
    • Company Mode
    • Paredit
  • Version Control
    • Magit
  • Language Support
    • Racket (Racket Mode)
    • Org (Org Mode)
    • Markdown (Markdown Mode)
    • YAML (Yaml Mode)
  • Enhance
    • Counsel (ivy, counsel, swiper)
    • Delight

Other requirements



To install, clone this repo to ~/.emacs.d, i.e. ensure that the init.el contained in this repo ends up at ~/.emacs.d/init.el:

git clone ~/.emacs.d

Upon starting up Emacs for the first time, further third-party packages will be automatically downloaded and installed. If you encounter any errors at that stage, try restarting Emacs, and possibly running M-x package-refresh-contents before doing so.


Update the config with git pull. You'll probably also want/need to update the third-party packages regularly too, because that's what I do, and the config assumes it:

M-x package-list-packages, then U followed by x.

You should usually restart Emacs after pulling changes or updating packages so that they can take effect. Emacs should usually restore your working buffers when you restart due to this configuration's use of the desktop and session packages.

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