Make sure python v3 is installed on your system.
- Navigate to code directory:
$ cd code/
- basic command to run event simulator:
$ python3 --peers [PEERS] --z0 [Z0] --z1 [Z1] --transaction-mean-gap [TRANSATIONMEANGAP] --att1 [ATT1] --att2 [ATT2]
- for printing blockchain:
$ python3 --peers [PEERS] --z0 [Z0] --z1 [Z1] --transaction-mean-gap [TRANSATIONMEANGAP] --att1 [ATT1] --att2 [ATT2] --print-blockchain
- for visualizing the blockchain:
$ python3 --peers [PEERS] --z0 [Z0] --z1 [Z1] --transaction-mean-gap [TRANSATIONMEANGAP] --att1 [ATT1] --att2 [ATT2] --visualize-blockchain
**Note: If u want to print and visualize, add both --print-blockchain
and --visualize-blockchain
flags to the basic command (order dosen't matter).
PEERS - No.of peers
Z0 - z0 fraction of low speed distribution
Z1 - z1 fraction of low CPU speed distribution
TRANSACTIONMEANGAP - transaction mean time.
ATT1 - attacker 1's hashing power ATT2 - attacker 2's hashing power
- to visualize graph of nodes:
$ python3 --generate