An Ubuntu VirtualBox machine with GIS software installed (created through Vagrant).
Add the Ubuntu GIS repo. So you can do things like
sudo apt-get install qgis
Sets up PostGIS. User: dbuser Password: dbuser. In addition, it port forwards the VMs Postgresql/PostGIS port (5432) to the local machine's 5433 port so you can connect using your favorite sql client as if you were connecting to a locally-installed postgres.
psql -U dbuser -W -h -p 5433
With this you can:
1.- create a VirtualBox GIS machine with a single command:
vagrant up
2.- login into it with a single command:
vagrant ssh
3.- stop it with a single command:
vagrant halt
4.- destroy it with a single command:
vagrant destroy
Cool huh?
1.- Install Vagrant from the site . I have tested it with Vagrant version 1.2.2
. Earlier versions are known to have problems.
2.- Install VirtualBox: . I have tested it with VirtualBox 4.2.12
. Earlier versions are known to have problems.
3.- Start vagrant
vagrant plugin install vagrant-vbguest
vagrant up
You are ready to go! You can now ssh into the VM which has the system already configured
vagrant ssh
1.- If using the VirtualBox option, you should be able to connect to the postgres machine using the port forwarding that has already been configured. Connect using:
psql -U dbuser -W dbuser-db -h -p 5433