A piveau-consus importer of LDESs
The importer starts an LDES client and pushes each event to the next piveau segment. A docker configuration has been provided.
npm Install
npm run build
npx js-runner pipeline.ttl
docker build -t piveau .
# You can specify the port with -e LDES_PORT=3001
docker run --publish 3000:3000 piveau
We provide a PUT endpoint accepting application/json
PUT http://example.com/pipe
Content-Type: application/json
"header": {
"id": "e106e79b-ad9a-4c9c-ade7-b49c58ff53fb",
"runId": "08501a2a-4245-4804-8e1a-9303b49f6277",
"startTime": "2024-03-21T12:00:00",
"name": "ldes-source",
"title": "Harvester – LDES source",
"version": "2.0.0",
"context": "DEU",
"transport": "payload"
"body": {
"segments": [
"header": {
"name": "piveau-consus-importing-ldes",
"segmentNumber": 1,
"title": "Importing LDES",
"processed": false
"body": {
"endpoint": {
"address": "http://next.endpoint.address.com/pipe",
"method": "PUT",
"protocol": "http"
"config": {
"url": "https://www.pieter.pm/dcat/sweden/feed.ttl",
"catalogue": "dane-gov-pl",
"stateFile": "/tmp/test.json",
"ordered": "ascending"
"header": {
"name": "piveau-consus-exporting-hub",
"segmentNumber": 2,
"title": "Exporting hub",
"processed": false
"body": {
"endpoint": {
"address": "http://piveau-consus-exporting-hub/pipe",
"method": "PUT",
"protocol": "http"
LDES Options
"url": "required string the the ldes endpoint",
"ordered": "ascending, descending or none, defaults to none (only works if the ldes has a specified timestamp path)",
"stateFile": "location of the state file (default to undefined, do not keep state)"