Note: these are bindings to the Immutable.js library. These are only meant to be used to interoperate with existing JavaScript code; In Reason/BS, we have more lightweight immutable (and optionally mutable) data structures by default (list, record, hashmap, set, and upcoming data structures). New Reason/BS projects projects don't need bs-immutablejs.
The source is a single file of BuckleScript external
s. The API corresponds to Immutable.js' API.
Example usage:
let greeting = ImmutableJsRe.List.fromArray([|"hello", "world"|]);
let extendedGreeting = ImmutableJsRe.List.push(greeting, "how are you");
let reallyExtendedGreeting =
|. push("I'm fine")
|. push("thank you")
|. push("and you?")
Generated code:
var greeting = Immutable.List(/* array */[
var extendedGreeting = greeting.push("how are you");
extendedGreeting.push("I'm fine").push("thank you").push("and you?");
Here's a table of Immutable.js data structures and their Reason/BuckleScript equivalents. Reason/BS provide the data structures out of the box.
Immutable.js | Reason/BuckleScript |
List | List |
Map | Map |
OrderedMap | Belt Map |
Set | Set |
OrderedSet | Belt Set |
Stack | List |
Record | Record |
Seq | Use lazy |
git clone
cd bs-immutablejs
npm install
npm start