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Incidence version 1.7.0

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@zkamvar zkamvar released this 14 Mar 17:11

Incidence can now handle standardised weeks starting on any day thanks to the aweek package 🎉

d <- as.Date("2019-03-11") + -7:6
setNames(d, weekdays(d))
#>       Monday      Tuesday    Wednesday     Thursday       Friday 
#> "2019-03-04" "2019-03-05" "2019-03-06" "2019-03-07" "2019-03-08" 
#>     Saturday       Sunday       Monday      Tuesday    Wednesday 
#> "2019-03-09" "2019-03-10" "2019-03-11" "2019-03-12" "2019-03-13" 
#>     Thursday       Friday     Saturday       Sunday 
#> "2019-03-14" "2019-03-15" "2019-03-16" "2019-03-17"
imon <- incidence(d, "mon week") # also ISO week
itue <- incidence(d, "tue week")
iwed <- incidence(d, "wed week")
ithu <- incidence(d, "thu week")
ifri <- incidence(d, "fri week")
isat <- incidence(d, "sat week")
isun <- incidence(d, "sun week") # also MMWR week and EPI week

pmon <- plot(imon, show_cases = TRUE, labels_week = FALSE)
ptue <- plot(itue, show_cases = TRUE, labels_week = FALSE)
pwed <- plot(iwed, show_cases = TRUE, labels_week = FALSE)
pthu <- plot(ithu, show_cases = TRUE, labels_week = FALSE)
pfri <- plot(ifri, show_cases = TRUE, labels_week = FALSE)
psat <- plot(isat, show_cases = TRUE, labels_week = FALSE)
psun <- plot(isun, show_cases = TRUE, labels_week = FALSE)
s <- scale_x_date(limits = c(as.Date("2019-02-26"), max(d) + 7L))
pmon + s,
ptue + s,
pwed + s,
pthu + s,
pfri + s,
psat + s,
psun + s)

multi-weeks/months/years can now be handled

d <- ebola_sim_clean$linelist$date_of_onset
h <- ebola_sim_clean$linelist$hospital
plot(incidence(d, interval = "1 epiweek", group = h))

plot(incidence(d, interval = "2 epiweeks", group = h))

plot(incidence(d, interval = "3 epiweeks", group = h))

plot(incidence(d, interval = "2 months", group = h))

Created on 2019-03-14 by the reprex package (v0.2.1)

Full set of changes


  • Any interval seq.Date() can handle (e.g. "5 weeks") can be handled by
    incidence() (see #67)
  • Weekly intervals can start on any day of the week by allowing things like
    "epiweek", "isoweek", "wednesday week", "2 Saturday weeks", etc.
    (see #55 (comment))
  • the item $weeks is now added to the incidence object, which contains an
    "aweek" class
  • plotting will now force the first tick to be the starting point of the
    incidence curve


  • make_breaks() will automatically calculate breaks from an incidence object
    for plotting.
  • scale_x_incidence() will produce a ggplot2 "ScaleContinuous" object to add
    to a ggplot.


  • plot.incidence() argument labels_iso is deprecated in favor of
  • Incidence objects will still have $isoweeks if the weeks are ISO 8601
    standard, but users should rely intead on $weeks instead. The $isoweeks
    element will be removed in a future version of incidence.
  • as.incidence() argument isoweeks has been deprecated in favour of


  • ISOweek import changed to aweek


  • Vignettes have been updated with examples.