$ git log v1.39..HEAD --pretty=format:"- %h %s by %an" --no-merges
- 01e1048 Bump actions/checkout from 3 to 4 (#601) by dependabot[bot]
- 992e213 Update to current versions - housekeeping (#603) by buuhsmead
- 39b68a0 fix typos and update links (#602) by Alessandro Rossi
- 5813d42 🐔 update tekton task images with latest tool versions 🐔 (#599) by mike hepburn
- 558402c build-s2i-python-kopf v1.36.1 (#600) by Johnathan Kupferer
- 3b7372c 🦒 cosign 2.0.2 🦒 (#598) by mike hepburn
- 543b150 Update tool-box image with latest versions + new tools (#597) by Øystein Bedin
- eb89e4a Update versions asciidoctor,version.json,pandoc (#596) by buuhsmead
- bb70fd6 Added multiarch to ubi8-asciidoctor (#594) by Andrew Block
- 216922a Kopf v1.36.0 (#593) by Johnathan Kupferer
- 5624a55 Update cosign from v1.0.0 to v1.7.2 (#590) by Jakub Filipczak
- 0b3b22d Update java on jenkins-agent-zap (#591) by Jakub Filipczak