This is a package to map gene names between different naming conventions.
Motivation: while there are popular packages for gene identifier mapping (e.g. ENSG, NCBI, HGNC) in the R environment (e.g. AnnotationDB), there is no standard solution in python.
import biorosetta as br
- Source-based system: Instead of relying on a single repository for mapping gene identifiers, biorosetta integrates results from different repositories, or "sources". Biorosetta supports two types of sources under the same interface. (1) Local sources: biorosetta downloads a local version of the conversion tables from popular repositories (Ensembl Biomart, HGNC Biomart). Best option for highly reproducible gene conversion outputs that do not change over time (e.g. for scientific article preparation). (2) Remote sources: biorosetta interfaces to remote web service applications (MyGene) to convert gene names. Best option for highly up-to-date conversion.
- Priority system: The user can specify an order of source priority, so that when different sources produce a different conversion output it is possible to define the most trusted result.
- Conversion report: For critical gene mapping applications, biorosetta can optionally generate a report table that specifies the mapping output of each separate source and highlight where there have been mismatches between outputs, so that these mapping results can be investigated further.
- Multi-hits policies: When multiple possible mapping outputs ("hits") are found, one can choose the policy for integrating them: "all": concatenates all the ID outputs with a pipe ("|") symbol (e.g. "foo|bar|baz"). "consensus": compares the output hits across different sources to select the ID that appears most frequently across different sources. E.g. if source A outputs "foo|bar" and source B outputs "bar|baz" then "bar" is selected as the final output.
- Gene name synonyms: Gene symbols have many synonyms. When available within the source, biorosetta integrates the synonym information for one-way mapping from gene symbol to any other ID.
- Speed: Biorosetta performs vectorized operations to achieve maximum efficiency.
import biorosetta as br
List current supported sources and gene ID types:
Function output:
ID types:
'ensg' = Ensembl gene ID
'entr' = NCBI gene ID (entrezgene)
'symb' = Gene symbol
'ensp' = Ensembl protein ID
'hgnc' = HGNC ID
"ensembl_biomart": Ensembl Biomart (
ID in: ['ensg', 'entr', 'symb', 'ensp', 'hgnc']
ID out: ['ensg', 'entr', 'symb', 'ensp', 'hgnc']
"hgnc_biomart": HGNC Biomart (
ID in: ['ensg', 'entr', 'symb', 'hgnc']
ID out: ['ensg', 'entr', 'symb', 'hgnc']
"mygene": MyGene (
ID in: ['ensg', 'entr']
ID out: ['ensg', 'entr', 'symb']
This is the basic command that uses all the sources (local and remote) ordered with the following order of priority:
- Ensembl Biomart
- HGNC Biomart
- MyGene
idmap = br.IDMapper('all') # Equivalent to br.IDMapper([br.EnsemblBiomartMapper(),br.HGNCBiomartMapper(),br.MyGeneMapper()])
idmap.convert('ENSG00000159388','ensg','entr') # Outputs '7832'
Note that if a list of gene IDs is provided, the function returns a list:
idmap.convert(['ENSG00000159388','ENSG00000121022','ENSG00000134574'],'ensg','entr') # Outputs ['7832', '10987', '1643']
Here we map ENSG to NCBI ID (entrezgene) using only Ensembl Biomart as reference data:
idmap = br.IDMapper([br.EnsemblBiomartMapper()]) # Single local source
We map ENSG to NCBI ID (entrezgene) using only Ensembl Biomart as reference data:
idmap = br.IDMapper('all') # Equivalent to br.IDMapper([br.EnsemblBiomartMapper(),br.HGNCBiomartMapper(),br.MyGeneMapper()])
idmap.convert('ENSG00000271254','ensg','entr') # Returns '102724250'
However, HGNC Biomart does not have the conversion. So if we mapped only with HGNC Biomart we would get
idmap = br.IDMapper('hgnc_biomart') # Equivalent to br.IDMapper([br.HGNCBiomartMapper()])
idmap.convert('ENSG00000271254','ensg','entr') # Returns 'N/A'
Note: when using multi_hits = "first" in the convert() function, the order of the sources in the list provided to IDMapper defines the priority of each source in the mapping output. The output of each source will be the first matching ID returned, and the final conversion output will be the output of the source with the highest priority that found a match for the input ID. See section "Multi hits" for more information.
For each conversion, we can choose to generate a report of all the conversion results across each source, to be able to check single responses and diagnose bad conversions. Usually convenient for conversions of a small number of gene IDs in situations where accuracy is critical.
idmap = br.IDMapper([br.EnsemblBiomartMapper(),br.HGNCBiomartMapper(),br.MyGeneMapper()])
These instructions return the following pandas DataFrame:
input | output | ensembl | hgnc | mygene | mismatch | ensembl_hits | hgnc_hits | mygene_hits | |
0 | 1643 | ENSG00000134574 | ENSG00000134574 | ENSG00000134574 | ENSG00000134574 | False | 1 | 1 | 1 |
1 | 10987 | ENSG00000121022 | ENSG00000121022 | ENSG00000121022 | ENSG00000121022 | False | 1 | 1 | 1 |
2 | 23369 | ENSG00000055917 | ENSG00000055917 | ENSG00000055917 | ENSG00000055917 | False | 1 | 1 | 1 |
- 'input': the queried gene ID list
- 'output': the final ID conversion output (returned also if df=False)
- 'ensembl','hgnc', 'mygene': report the conversion for each source
- 'mismatch': whether there is a mismatch between sources conversion (different IDs returned)
- '{source}_hits': number of possible output ID conversions found by each source.
There are two types of policies we have to define to convert an input gene ID with multiple sources:
- Each source can return more than one output ID for each input ID, so we have to choose what ID will be return among the list
- The final outputs of all the sources have to be integrated to return a single integrated IDMapper output
These policies are handled through the "multi_hits" argument of the convert() function of IDMapper. Here we define the policies available:
For each source, only the first conversion hit will be the source output. The outputs of different sources are integrated by selecting the output of the source with (1) the highest priority and (2) a successful conversion (i.e. not 'N/A').
idmap = br.IDMapper([br.MyGeneMapper(),br.EnsemblBiomartMapper(),br.HGNCBiomartMapper()], multi_hits='first', df=True) # Notice that MyGene is first
idmap.convert(['ENSG00000210049','ENSG00000211459','ENSG00000210082'],'ensg','symb',df=True) # Outputs ['TRNF', 'RNR1', 'RNR2']
And this is the final conversion report. Note that the MyGene source disagrees with the Ensembl Biomart and HGNC Biomart, but it has highest priority.
input | output | mygene | ensembl | hgnc | mismatch | mygene_hits | ensembl_hits | hgnc_hits | |
0 | ENSG00000210049 | TRNF | TRNF | MT-TF | MT-TF | True | 1 | 1 | 1 |
1 | ENSG00000211459 | RNR1 | RNR1 | MT-RNR1 | MT-RNR1 | True | 1 | 1 | 1 |
2 | ENSG00000210082 | RNR2 | RNR2 | MT-RNR2 | MT-RNR2 | True | 1 | 1 | 1 |
Consensus mapping returns the most frequent ID returned across all the sources.
idmap = br.IDMapper([br.MyGeneMapper(),br.EnsemblBiomartMapper(),br.HGNCBiomartMapper()]) # Multiple sources
idmap.convert(['ENSG00000210049','ENSG00000211459','ENSG00000210082'],'ensg','symb',df=True, multi_hits='consensus') # Returns ['MT-TF', 'MT-RNR1', 'MT-RNR2']
Note that the final output are not the IDs returned by MyGene in our previous example since they were not the most frequent outputs. Here is the conversion report.
input | output | mygene | ensembl | hgnc | mismatch | mygene_hits | ensembl_hits | hgnc_hits | |
0 | ENSG00000210049 | MT-TF | TRNF | MT-TF | MT-TF | True | 1 | 1 | 1 |
1 | ENSG00000211459 | MT-RNR1 | RNR1 | MT-RNR1 | MT-RNR1 | True | 1 | 1 | 1 |
2 | ENSG00000210082 | MT-RNR2 | RNR2 | MT-RNR2 | MT-RNR2 | True | 1 | 1 | 1 |
Return all ID outputs for each source concatenated with a pipe ("|") symbol.
idmap = br.IDMapper([br.EnsemblBiomartMapper(),br.HGNCBiomartMapper(),br.MyGeneMapper()]) # Multiple sources
idmap.convert(['ENSG00000159388','ENSG00000211459','ENSG00000159388'],'ensg','ensp', multi_hits='all') # Returns ['ENSP00000433553|ENSP00000290551', 'N/A', 'ENSP00000433553|ENSP00000290551']
The default value for failed ID conversions it "N/A". This value can be modified when creating the IDMapper class.
idmap = br.IDMapper('all')
idmap.convert(['imaginary_gene1','imaginary_gene2'],'ensg','entr') # Returns ['N/A', 'N/A']
If we set "fill_value='passthrough'" the input ID will be returned when the output ID is not found:
idmap = br.IDMapper('all', fill_value='passthrough')
idmap.convert(['imaginary_gene1','imaginary_gene2'],'ensg','entr') # Returns ['imaginary_gene1', 'imaginary_gene2']
Note: Not all gene identifiers work on all sources, depending on availability
- Ensembl Biomart ( Local source
- HGNC Biomart (GeneNames) ( Local source
- MyGene ( Remote source
- "ensg": Ensembl gene ID (all sources)
- "entr": NCBI gene ID (entrezgene, all sources)
- "symb": Gene name (symbol, all sources)
- "ensp": Ensembl protein ID (ENSP, Ensembl Biomart only)
- "hgnc": HGNC ID (Ensembl Biomart and HGNC Biomart only)
idmap = br.IDMapper('all') # equivalent to [br.EnsemblBiomartMapper(),br.HGNCBiomartMapper(),br.MyGeneMapper()]
idmap = br.IDMapper('local') # equivalent to [br.EnsemblBiomartMapper(),br.HGNCBiomartMapper()]
idmap = br.IDMapper('remote') # equivalent to [br.MyGeneMapper()]
idmap = br.IDMapper('ensembl_biomart') # equivalent to [br.EnsemblBiomartMapper()]
idmap = br.IDMapper('hgnc_biomart') # equivalent to [br.HGNCBiomartMapper()]
idmap = br.IDMapper('mygene') # equivalent to [br.MyGene()]
Thanks to David Deritei for the help with design and debugging.