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⚠️ This SDK is under development and not yet officially supported.


This demo app demonstrates how to build a checkout flow using CheckoutSheet, an embeddable component that currently supports card payments with a single integration

Getting Started

Option 1: Load CheckoutSheet dependency through Jitpack

(This is the default configuration)

Make sure the dependencyResolutionManagement code block is uncommented in settings.gradle.kts

Uncomment the Checkout SDK dependency in build.gradle.kts, and replace TAG with the desired version number (e.g. 1.0.2)


Run the project

Option 2: Load CheckoutSheet manually

Clone to your computer

Copy the absolute path to the repository

In settings.gradle.kts, uncomment the lines and insert the correct path to the repository:

project(":checkout").projectDir = file("/PATH/TO/reepay-android-checkout-sheet/checkout")

Uncomment the dependency in build.gradle.kts
