Jquery/Javascript plugin to make mouse wheel smooth scroll
This plugin make the html element scrollable with smooth.
<script type="text/javascript" src="/path/to/src/jquery.easeScroll.js"></script>
Basic initialization:
Custom options:
var es = $("html").easeScroll({
frameRate: 60,
animationTime: 1000,
stepSize: 120,
pulseAlgorithm: true,
pulseScale: 8,
pulseNormalize: 1,
accelerationDelta: 20,
accelerationMax: 1,
keyboardSupport: true,
arrowScroll: 50,
touchpadSupport: true,
fixedBackground: true,
disabledClass: null, // if body has this class will stop scroll, type: string: 'className' or Array ['class1', 'class2']
// Browser Setting Control
browser: {
Chrome: true,
FireFox: true,
Safari: true,
IE: true,
Edge: true
Destroy easeScroll
Rebuild easeScroll (after destroy)
<script type="text/javascript" src="/path/to/src/javascript.easeScroll.js"></script>
Basic initialization:
var options = { /* ... */}
var es = new EaseScroll(options);
Destroy easeScroll
Rebuild easeScroll (after destroy)
In case you use it as an ES module make sure:
- you have enabled Babel or Buble to transpile it to ES5 syntax
import EaseScroll from '/path/to/src/module.easeScroll.js'
Basic initialization:
var options = { /* ... */ }
var es = new EaseScroll(options);
Destroy easeScroll
Rebuild easeScroll (after destroy)