Scrabbleify words (mix letters within words and output the result)
Supports mixing characters within words.
Respects the position of inviolates like basic punctuation and numbers. (customizable)
, ,'".;:
and \~!@#$%^&*()_+{}[]|
By default separator is a ' ' but can use one or more custom separators.
Simple case:
const {scrabbleify} = require('@hyggedyne/scrabbleify')
const loremIpsum = `Lorem Ipsum is simply .... of Lorem Ipsum.`
const output = scrabbleify(loremIpsum)
//output is like 'oeLmr Ispum si mipsly ... fo omLre psuIm'
Keep 'I' and 'L' in the same position:
scrabbleify(loremIpsum, [' ', 'L','I'])
//output is like 'Lmoer Ipusm si psmliy ydmmu'
Exports the following
scrabbleify(inputString, [separator, [inviolates]]
separator can be a char or array of chars. inviolates can be a boolean or an array of chars.numbers