UE4 Shell App for Grasshopper AR project.
- Unreal Engine 4.25.3
- Dev tools:
- macOS Xcode
- Install Xcode using AppStore
- Open Xcode and Agree to the license
- Install additional developer tools when prompted
- Close Xcode
- win Visual Studio 2019
- macOS Xcode
- GitHub account
- Make sure your account is added to REMAP organization (let us know).
- GitHub Desktop Client
- Open GitHub Desktop Client after installing
- Authenticate with your GitHub account you created in step 3
Open Terminal.app, copy and paste command below and hit Enter:
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/remap/GrasshopperAR/master/scripts/bootstrap.sh)"
Enter your laptop password to authorize installation and press ENTER whenever scripts asks you.
- Open GitHub Desktop Client
- Authenticate with your GitHub account if you haven't done it yet
- Click on the menu carrot beside Current Repository and select Add -> Clone Repository
- Enter the url of the project: https://github.com/remap/GrasshopperAR
- Under Local Path select the folder in which you’d like the repo to save.
- Wait for the clone to complete.
- Initialize Git-LFS when prompted.
- Press
Ctrl + Shift + F
- Double-click on
├── Config // configuration files for multiplatform build
├── Content // ShellApp content goes here
│ ├── Blueprints
│ │ ├── BP_ARController.uasset // AR Player Controller
│ │ ├── BP_ARGameMode.uasset // AR Game Mode
│ │ ├── BP_ARPawn.uasset // AR Pawn
│ │ ├── BP_VRController.uasset // VR Player Controller
│ │ ├── BP_VRGameMode.uasset // VR Game Mode
│ │ ├── BP_VRPawn.uasset // VR Pawn
│ │ └── UI
│ │ ├── BP_DebugMenu.uasset
│ │ ├── WD_PluginButton.uasset
│ │ └── BP_Master.uasset // Master UI
│ ├── Data
│ │ └── D_SessionConfig.uasset // AR Session Config file
│ └── Maps
│ ├── M_ARLevel0.umap // AR Level Map
│ └── M_VRLevel0.umap // VR Level Map
├── Plugins
│ └── DDTools // DDTools plugin (development tools)
├── Source // ShellApp source code. SHOULD NOT BE TOUCHED
│ ├── GrasshopperAR
│ │ ├── GrasshopperAR.Build.cs
│ │ ├── GrasshopperAR.cpp
│ │ ├── GrasshopperAR.h
│ │ ├── GrasshopperARGameModeBase.cpp
│ │ └── GrasshopperARGameModeBase.h
│ ├── GrasshopperAR.Target.cs
│ └── GrasshopperAREditor.Target.cs
└── GrasshopperAR.uproject