- CoinList
- CoinSnapshot
- CoinSnapshotFullById
- HistoDay
- HistoHour
- HistoMinute
- MiningContracts
- MiningEquipment
- Price
- PriceHistorical
- SocialStats
- TopPairs
A collections of nodes to interact with the CryptoCompare API services in CryptoCompare API.
To run the nodes on your localhost you must have Node-RED installed on your localhost.
I have submitted an example flow 'Simple Examples for CryptoCompare API Nodes' to the the Node-RED Library with simple usage examples that can be imported via the Menu > Import item.
$ git clone https://github.com/remkohdev/node-red-contrib-cryptocompare.git
$ cd node-red-contrib-cryptocompare
$ npm install
To install the node modules on your localhost, install it into your Node-RED runtime.
$ sudo npm link
$ cd ~/.node-red
$ npm link node-red-contrib-cryptocompare
Run node-red.
$ node-red
Open a browser and go to the address
To contribute fork the node-red-contrib-cryptocompare repository and submit pull requests. Issues are tracked in the Projects tab.
Issues are tracked in the Projects tab.
See the LICENSE file for license rights and limitations (MIT).