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RZ/V2H OpenCV Accelerator

Supported Device



Software License
OpenCV Accelerator 3-clause BSD
DRP Driver GPL-2.0

List of Abbreviations and Acronyms

Abbreviation Full form
BSP Board support package
DRP Dynamically Reconfigurable Processor
OpenCV Open-source Computer Vision library
OpenCVA OpenCV Accelerator

Table of Contents

1. Overview
2. Usage of OpenCV Accelerator
3. OpenCVA Function List
4. OpenCVA API specification and condition for using DRP
5. API functions to control OpenCVA
6. DRP conflict

1. Overview

1.1. Overview

This manual explains the OpenCV Accelerator in RZ/V2H Linux. OpenCV Accelerator performs OpenCV function in high performance without changing OpenCV API.

1.2. About OpenCV Accelerator

OpenCV Accelerator (referred to below as OpenCVA) can perform OpenCV functions using Dynamically Reconfigurable Processor (=DRP).

If DRP is enabled and the parameters of OpenCV meet the conditions, OpenCV is executed using DRP. If DRP is disabled or the parameters do not match, then OpenCV is executed using CPU. If the DRP is used, OpenCV will be executed at high performance. The performance depends on the parameters.

The output OpenCVA using DRP is almost identical to output OpenCV using CPU, but not exactly the same. Much of this difference is due to the accuracy of in the DRP's arithmetic unit, and some is due to differences in algorithms.

DRP is also used for MPEG4 encoding or decoding, however since DRP is a common HW resource, OpenCVA and MPEG4 cannot be used at the same time. For the same reason, OpenCVA must be used in single process and single thread. In case of conflicting use of DRP, it causes an exception errors or performance degradation.
For details, please see Chapter 5.2 and Chapter 6.

1.3. Restrictions


2. Usage of OpenCV Accelerator

2.1. OpenCV Version

OpenCVA is based on as follows version of OpenCV.
OpenCV 4.1.0-r0
For datails, please see OpenCV Document

2.2. How to use

You can use OpenCVA same as OpenCV as usual and you do not need to consider of OpenCVA architecture. OpenCVA is automatically executed by DRP as follows if it matches the conditions under which DRP can be used. For the DRP using conditions, see Chapter 4.
OpenCVA can disable DRP, for each function. See Chapter 5.1 for details.


3. OpenCVA Function List

The following table lists the OpenCV functions that can be executed using DRP in the OpenCVA.

OpenCV function name Function
4.1. resize Image Resize.
4.2. cvtColor Change color space.
4.3. cvtColorTwoPlane Change color space.
4.4. GaussianBlur Gaussian filter process.
4.5. dilate Areas of bright regions grow.
4.6. erode Areas of dark regions grow.
4.7. morphologyEX Combination of dilate and erode.
4.8. filter2D Image convolving.
4.9. Sobel Extracting image edges.
4.10. adaptiveThreshold Transforms a grayscale image to a binary image according to the formulae.
4.11. matchTemplate Compares a template against overlapped image regions.
4.12. wrapAffine Transforms the source image using the 2x3 matrix.
4.13. wrapPerspective Transforms the source image using the 3x3 matrix.
4.14. pyrDown Downsampling step of the Gaussian pyramid construction.
4.15. pyrUp Upsampling step of the Gaussian pyramid construction.
4.16. FAST Detects corners using the FAST algorithm.

4. OpenCVA API specification and condition for using DRP

This chapter describes the OpenCV API that can be executed by DRP, and their conditions for using DRP.

4.1. resize

4.1.1. outline

Resize an image, set desired scale of each axis or set desired size for the output image.

void cv::resize (InputArray src, OutputArray dst, Size dsize, double fx = 0, double fy = 0, int interpolation = INTER_LINEAR)
parameter required/optional description
src required Source image
dst required Destination image
dsize required Desired size for the destination image
fx(=0) optional Horizontal axis scale
fy(=0) optional Vertical axis scale
optional One of the interpolation algorithm methods
(see InterpolationFlags in OpenCV document)

4.1.2. Conditions for using DRP

If the following conditions apply, OpenCVA execute resizing process using DRP.

parameter range/values note
src width: 2 - 3840
height: 2 - 2160
channels: 1 - 4
bit-depth: 8bit
dsize width: 2 - 3840
height: 2 - 2160
’0’ can also be set. In that case,
“fx” and “fy” parameter are valid.
fx (src_img width * fx): 2 - 3840 Valid if dsize is 0.
fy (src_img height * fy): 2 - 2160 Valid if dsize is 0.
interpolation INTER_LINEAR

4.2. cvtColor

4.2.1. outline

Converts an input image from one color space to another.

void cv::cvtColor (InputArray src, OutputArray dst, int code, int dstCn = 0 )
parameter required/optional description
src required Source image
dst required Destination image
code required Color space conversion code (see ColorConversionCode in OpenCV document)
dstCn (=0) optional Number of channels in the destination image. If the default parameter (=0) specified, the number of the channels is derived automatically from src and code

4.2.2. Conditions for using DRP

If the following conditions apply, OpenCVA execute cvtColor process using DRP.

parameter range/values note
src width: 4 or more, even
height: 6 or more, even
channels: 2
bit-depth: 8bit
dstCn 0 Default value

4.3. cvtColorTwoPlane

4.3.1. outline

Converts an image from one color space to another where the source image is stored in two planes.

void cv::cvtColorTwoPlane (InputArray src1, InputArray src2, OutputArray dst, int code)
parameter required/optional description
src1 required Source image of the Y plane
src2 required Source image of the U/V plane
dst required Destination image
code required Specifies the type of conversion

4.3.2. Conditions for using DRP

If the following conditions apply, OpenCVA execute cvtColorTwoPlane process using DRP.

parameter range/values note
src1 width: 4 or more, even
height: 6 or more, even
channels: 1
bit-depth: 8bit
src2 width: Half size of src1
height: Half size of src1
channels: 2
bit-depth: 8bit

4.4. GaussianBlur

4.4.1. outline

GaussianBlur is one of image blurring (image smoothing) function. In this function a Gaussian kernel is used to produce the smoothed image.
GaussianBlur process with DRP supports following Gaussian filters with kernel sizes.
Kernel size: 3, 5, or 7
Filters used are as follows. Figure_2

void GaussianBlur (InputArray src, OutputArray dst, Size ksize, double sigmaX, double sigmaY = 0, int borderType = BORDER_DEFAULT)
parameter required/optional description
src required Source image
dst required Destination image
ksize required Gaussian kernel size
sigmaX required Gaussian kernel standard deviation in X direction
sigmaY (=0) optional Gaussian kernel standard deviation in Y direction
optional Pixel extrapolation method (see BorderTypes in OpenCV document)

4.4.2. Conditions for using DRP

If the following conditions and apply, OpenCVA execute GaussianBlur process using DRP.

parameter range/values note
src width: 16 or more, even
height: 16 or more, even
channels: 1 - 4
bit-depth: 8bit
size limit: 4K(3840x2160)
ksize {3,3}, {5,5}, or {7,7} Gaussian kernel size = 3, 5, or 7
sigmaX 0*
sigmaY 0* Default value
borderType BORDER_DEFAULT Default value

*:In addition to above table, DRP is used in parameter combination “src channels = 1, ksize = {7,7}, sigmaX = 2, sigmaY = 2”.

4.5. dilate

4.5.1. outline

Expands the area of bright areas in the image.

void cv::dilate (InputArray src, OutputArray dst, InputArray kernel, Point anchor = Point (-1, -1), int iterations = 1, int borderType = BORDER_CONSTANT, const Scalar & borderValue = morphologyDefaultBorderValue() )
parameter required/optional description
src required Input image
dst required Destination image
kernel required Dilate kernel size
(=Point (-1, -1) )
optional Position of the anchor within the element.
Default value (-1, -1) means that the anchor is at the element center.
iterations (=1) optional Number of times dilation
optional Pixel extrapolation method
optional Border value (see morphologyDefaultBorderValue() in OpenCV document)

4.5.2. Conditions for using DRP

If the following conditions apply, OpenCVA execute dilate process using DRP.

parameter range/values note
src width: 16 or more, even
height: 16 or more, even
channels: 1 - 4
bit-depth: 8bit
size limit: 4K(3840x2160)
kernel Mat() 3 x 3 rectangular structuring element
anchor (-1, -1) Default value
iterations 1 - 3840
borderValue morphologyDefaultBorderValue() Default value

4.6. erode

4.6.1. outline

Reduce the area of bright areas in the image.

void cv::erode (InputArray src, OutputArray dst, InputArray kernel, Point anchor = Point (-1, -1), int iterations = 1, int borderType = BORDER_CONSTANT, const Scalar & borderValue = morphologyDefaultBorderValue() )
parameter required/optional description
src required Input image
dst required Destination image
kernel required Erode kernel size
(=Point (-1, -1) )
optional Position of the anchor within the element.
Default value (-1, -1) means that the anchor is at the element center.
iterations (=1) optional Number of times dilation
optional Pixel extrapolation method
optional Border value (see morphologyDefaultBorderValue() in OpenCV document)

4.6.2. Conditions for using DRP

If the following conditions apply, OpenCVA execute erode process using DRP.

parameter range/values note
src width: 16 or more, even
height: 16 or more, even
channels: 1 - 4
bit-depth: 8bit
size limit: 4K(3840x2160)
kernel Mat() 3 x 3 rectangular structuring element
anchor (-1, -1) Default value
iterations 1 - 3840
borderValue morphologyDefaultBorderValue() Default value

4.7. morphologyEX

4.7.1. outline

Performs advanced morphological transformations.
This function uses both “dilate” and “erode” internally.

void cv::morphologyEX (InputArray src, OutputArray dst, int op, InputArray kernel, Point anchor = Point (-1, -1), int iterations = 1, int borderType = BORDER_CONSTANT, const Scalar & borderValue = morphologyDefaultBorderValue() )
parameter required/optional description
src required Input image
dst required Destination image
op required Type of a morphological operation (see MorphTypes in OpenCV document)
kernel required Kernel size
(=Point (-1, -1) )
optional Position of the anchor within the element.
Default value (-1, -1) means that the anchor is at the element center.
iterations (=1) optional Number of times dilation
optional Pixel extrapolation method
optional Border value (see morphologyDefaultBorderValue() in OpenCV document)

4.7.2. Conditions for using DRP

If the following conditions apply, OpenCVA execute morphologyEX process using DRP.

parameter range/values note
src width: 16 or more, even
height: 16 or more, even
channels: 1 - 4
bit-depth: 8bit
size limit: 4K(3840x2160)
kernel Mat() 3 x 3 rectangular structuring element
anchor (-1, -1) Default value
iterations 1 - 3840
borderValue morphologyDefaultBorderValue() Default value

4.8. filter2D

4.8.1. outline

Convolves an image with the kernel.

void cv::filter2D (InputArray src, OutputArray dst, int ddepth, InputArray kernel, Point anchor = Point(-1,-1) , double delta = 0, int borderType = BORDER_DEFAULT )
parameter required/optional description
src required Source image
dst required Destination image
ddepth required Destination image depth
kernel required Convolution kernel
(=Point(-1,-1) )
optional Position of the anchor within the element.
Default value (-1, -1) means that the anchor is at the element center.
delta (=0) optional Value to add to destination image
optional Pixel extrapolation method

4.8.2. Conditions for using DRP

If the following conditions apply, OpenCVA execute filter2D process using DRP.

parameter range/values note
src width: 16 or more, even
height: 16 or more, even
channels: 1 - 4
bit-depth: 8bit
size limit: 4K(3840x2160)
ddepth -1 The same depth as the input image.
kernel size: {3,3}
depth: CV_32F
value: all element values are
between -128 and 127
anchor (-1, -1) Default value
delta 0 Default value
borderType BORDER_DEFAULT Default value

4.9. Sobel

4.9.1. outline

Calculates the first image derivatives.

void cv::Sobel (InputArray src, OutputArray dst, int ddepth, int dx, int dy, int ksize = 3, double scale = 1, double delta = 0, int borderType = BORDER_DEFAULT)
parameter required/optional description
src required Input image
dst required Destination image
ddepth required Destination image depth
dx required Order of the derivative x
dy required Order of the derivative y
ksize (=3) optional Size of the extended Sobel kernel
scale (=1) optional Scale factor
delta (=0) optional Value to add to destination image
optional Pixel extrapolation method

4.9.2. Conditions for using DRP

If the following conditions apply, OpenCVA execute sobel process using DRP.

parameter range/values note
src width: 16 or more, even
height: 16 or more, even
channels: 1 - 4
bit-depth: 8bit
size limit: 4K(3840x2160)
ddepth CV_8U
dx, dy “dx = 0, dy = 1” or
“dx = 1, dy = 0”
ksize 3 default value
scale 1 default value
delta 0 default value
borderType BORDER_DEFAULT default value

4.10. adaptiveThreshold

4.10.1. outline

Transforms a grayscale image to a binary image according to the formulae.

void cv::adaptiveThreshold (InputArray src, OutputArray dst, double maxValue, int adaptiveMethod, int thresholdType, int blockSize, double C)
parameter required/optional description
src required Source image
dst required Destination image
maxValue required Non-zero value assigned to the pixels for which the condition is satisfied
adaptiveMethod required Adaptive thresholding algorithm to use (see adaptiveThresholdTypes in OpenCV document)
thresholdType required Threshold type (see ThresholdTypes in OpenCV document)
blocksize required Size of a pixel neighborhood that is used to calculate a threshold value
C required Constant subtracted from the mean

4.10.2. Conditions for using DRP

If the following conditions apply, OpenCVA execute adaptiveThreshold process using DRP.

parameter range/values note
src width: 16 or more, even
height: 16 or more, even
channels: 1
bit-depth: 8bit
size limit: 4K(3840x2160)
maxValue 0 - 255
thresholdType THRES_BINARY or
blocksize 3 - 255, odd
C 0 - 255

4.11. matchTemplate

4.11.1. outline

Compares a template against overlapped image regions.
Caution: “matchTemplate” function is very slow in some cases using DRP, depending on the parameters. Please test if the matchTemplate process with DRP performance is enough, using the assumed parameter.

void cv::matchTemplate(InputArray image, InputArray templ, OutputArray result, int method, InputArray mask = noArray() )
parameter required/optional description
image required Input image
templ required Template image
result required Map of comparison results
Width: image width - templ width +1
Height: image height - templ height +1
method required Specifying the comparison method (see TemplateMatchModes in OpenCV document)
mask (= noArray() ) optional Mask of searched template

4.11.2. Conditions for using DRP

If the following conditions apply, OpenCVA execute matchTemplate process using DRP.

parameter range/values note
src width: 16 or more, even
height: 16 or more, even
channels: 1 - 4
bit-depth: 8bit
size limit: FHD(1920x1080)
templ width: 8 or more, even
height: 8 or more, even
channels: same value as image
bit-depth: same value as image
size limit: image size
mask noArray() Default value

4.12. wrapAffine

4.12.1. outline

An affine transformation to an image.

void cv::warpAffine (InputArray src, OutputArray dst, InputArray M, Size dsize, int flags = INTER_LINEAR, int borderMode = BORDER_CONSTARNT, const Scalar & borderValue = Scalar() )
parameter required/optional description
src required Input image
dst required Destination image
M required Transformation matrix (2x3)
dsize required Size of destination image
optional One of the interpolation algorithm methods (see InterpolationFlags in OpenCV document)
optional Pixel extrapolation method (see BorderTypes in OpenCV document)
(=Scalar() )
optional Border value

4.12.2. Conditions for using DRP

If the following conditions apply, OpenCVA execute warpAffine process using DRP.

parameter range/values note
src width: 16 or more, even
height: 16 or more, even
channels: 1 - 4
bit-depth: 8bit
size limit: 4K(3840x2160)
M CV_32F
dsize width: 16 or more, even
height: 16 or more, even
size limit: 4K(3840x2160)
flags INTER_LINEAR default value
borderMode BORDER_CONSTARNT default value

4.13. wrapPerspective

4.13.1. outline

A perspective transformation to an image.

void cv::warpPerspective (InputArray src, OutputArray dst, InputArray M, Size dsize, int flags = INTER_LINEAR, int borderMode = BORDER_CONSTARNT, const Scalar & borderValue = Scalar() )
parameter required/optional description
src required Input image
dst required Destination image
M required Transformation matrix (3x3)
dsize required Size of destination image
optional One of the interpolation algorithm methods (see InterpolationFlags in OpenCV document)
optional Pixel extrapolation method (see BorderTypes in OpenCV document)
(=Scalar() )
optional Border value

4.13.2. Conditions for using DRP

If the following conditions apply, OpenCVA execute warpPerspective process using DRP.

parameter range/values note
src width: 16 or more, even
height: 16 or more, even
channels: 1 - 4
bit-depth: 8bit
size limit: 4K(3840x2160)
M CV_32F
dsize width: 16 or more, even
height: 16 or more, even
size limit: 4K(3840x2160)
flags INTER_LINEAR default value
borderMode BORDER_CONSTARNT default value

4.14. pyrDown

4.14.1. outline

Blurs an image and downsamples it.

void cv::pyrDown (InputArray src, OutputArray dst, const Size & dstsize = Size(), int borderType = BORDER_DEFAULT)
parameter required/optional description
src required Input image
dst required Destination image
dstsize(=Size()) optional Destination image size
optional Pixel extrapolation method

4.14.2. Conditions for using DRP

If the following conditions apply, OpenCVA execute pyrDown process using DRP.

parameter range/values note
src width: 16 or more, even
height: 16 or more, even
channels: 1 - 4
bit-depth: 8bit
size limit: 4K(3840x2160)
dstsize Size() or
Size( width/2, height/2)
borderType BORDER_DEFAULT default value

4.15. pyrUp

4.15.1. outline

Blurs an image and upsamples it.

void cv::pyrUp (InputArray src, OutputArray dst, const Size & dstsize = Size(), int borderType = BORDER_DEFAULT)
parameter required/optional description
src required Source image
dst required Destination image
dstsize(=Size()) optional Destination image size
optional Pixel extrapolation method

4.15.2. Conditions for using DRP

If the following conditions apply, OpenCVA execute pyrUp process using DRP.

parameter range/values note
src width: 8 or more, even
height: 8 or more, even
channels: 1 - 4
bit-depth: 8bit
size limit: FHD(1920x1080)
dstsize Size() or
Size( width*2, height*2)
borderType BORDER_DEFAULT default value

4.16. FAST

4.16.1. outline

Detects corners using the FAST algorithm.

void cv::Fast (InputArray image, std::vector<KeyPoint> &keypoints, int threshold, bool nonmaxSuppression = true, FastFeatureDetector::DetectorType type)
parameter required/optional description
image required Input image (grayscale image)
keypoints required keypoints detected on the image
threshold required threshold on difference between intensity of the central pixel and pixels of a circle around this pixel.
nonmaxSuppression (=true) optional if true, non-maximum suppression is applied to detected corners (keypoints).
optional detector type

4.16.2. Conditions for using DRP

If the following conditions apply, OpenCVA execute FAST process using DRP.

parameter range/values note
image width: 16 or more, even
height: 16 or more, even
channels: 1
bit-depth: 8bit
size limit: 4K(3840x2160)
threshold 0 - 255
nonmaxSuppression true default value
type FastFeatureDetector::TYPE_9_16 default value

5. API functions to control OpenCVA

This chapter describes API functions to control OpenCVA.

5.1. OCA_Activate


Disable or enable DRP used for OpenCV process.

[Function name]


[Calling format]

int OCA_Activate (unsigned long* OCA_list);


OCA_list : OpenCVA function activation table.


0 : OK
-1: Error


Disable or enable DRP used for OpenCV, for each of OpenCV function. By default, all are enabled. If disabled, the OpenCV function execute by CPU.
The argument of the API function is the array variable OCA_list[]. See the following table for OCA_list[] index and OpenCV functions.

index of OCA_list[] OpenCV function
0 resize
2 cvtColor, cvtColorTwoPlane
4 GaussianBlur
5 dilate, morphologyEX
6 erode, morphologyEX
7 Filter2D
8 Sobel
9 adaptiveThreshold
10 matchTemplate
11 warpAffine
12 pyrDown
13 perUp
14 warpPerspective
Others (unused)

note: OCA_list[] table type and size is “unsigned long OCA_list[16]”.

Setting the OCA_list[index] to 1 and then executing OCA_Activate(), then the corresponding DRP is enabled. If 0 is set, it is desabled.
Values other than 0 and 1 are ignored.


unsigned long OCA_list[16];
for(int i=0; i<16; i++)OCA_list[i]=2;
/* Disable DRP(Sobel) */
OCA_list[8] = 0;	//Disable
OCA_Activate( &OCA_list[0] );

5.2 OCA_ConflictNotification


Sets the behavior when DRP conflicts occur (exception error occurs or not).

[Function name]


[Calling format]

void OCA_ConflictNotification (int oca_conflict );


oca_conflict 0: When DRP conflicts, exception error occurs.
Not 0: When DRP conflicts, exception error does not occur, and the OpenCV function is executed by CPU.


Sets the behavior when DRP conflicts occur (exception error occurs or not). By default, it causes an exception error do to DRP conflict.
e.g., execute OpenCV using DRP while the MPEG4 Encode process is using the DRP.
The error code for exception errors is -501.


The following is a sample to handle exception error.

/* Exception error enable */
OCA_ConflictNotification( 0 );
cv::GaussianBlur(src, dst, {7,7},0,0);
} catch(cv::Exception& e) {
    if( e == -501 ){/* exception error handling */}

6. DRP conflict

This chapter describes DRP conflict.

6.1. About DRP conflict

OpenCVA use “Dynamically Reconfigurable Processor” (=DRP). And the MPEG4 encoding and decoding functions use the same DRP. There is only one DRP used by these functions on a device. And the function occupies the DRP while it is executing.
If the OpenCV use the DRP but is unable to do so because the DRP is already being used by another function, this is called “DRP conflict.”

OpenCVA cause DRP conflicts in the following 2cases:
case1. Case of start OpenCV using DRP, while the MPEG4 encode/decode function uses DRP in parallel.
case2. Case of start OpenCV using DRP, while other OpenCV is using DRP in another process (or thread).

If neither of the 2cases matches, then the DRP does not conflict. i.e.,

  1. MPEG4 encoding/decoding and OpenCV using DRP are executed sequentially.
  2. OpenCV using DRP is executed by single process/thread.

6.2. What happened if there was a conflict, and how to handle it

If the OpenCVA occurred DRP conflict, it raises an exception error or execute OpenCV function by CPU instead of the DRP. (selected by the OCA_ConflictNotification()).
If the DRP conflict occur exception error, the user application must be able to handle the exception error, as in Chapter 5.2 sample.
If the OpenCV function executed by CPU, the user applications do not need to support anything, but performance of the OpenCV should be confirmed.