Automatic analysis and plot surface phase diagram from DFT calculation.
- python >=2.7, not test for python < 2.7
- numpy
- pandas (data analysis)
- xlrt, xlwt (handle excel file)
- veusz (for plot images)
- xvfb (simulate X environment)
- xvfbwrapper (python wrapper for xvfb)
Most of them can install by apt (Debian-based) and pip
- Put all required data into an excel file, name as e.g. input.xlsx
- run "python input.xlsx [--probability threshold]". --probability is optional, where threshold is float and means the minimum ratio for an exist phase.
- Note: input.xlsx should has xls or xlsx postfix
- G_result.xlsx
- *.dat or *.csv
- *.vsz
- *.jpg, if you have veusz and xvfb installed