- This is a pipeline overview containing various tools in an easy install free nextflow environment
- you dont need to install any tools with the exeption of docker and nextflow
- abricate -> resistance detection (via fasta or fastq files)
- centrifuge -> taxonomic classification of nanopore reads (fastq)
- gtdbtk -> evaluation of bins (dir input)
- guppygpu -> gpu basecalling via guppy of fast5 files (dir input)
- metamaps -> taxonomic classification of nanopore reads (fastq)
- nanoplot -> QC of nanopore reads (fastq)
- plasflow -> Plasmid prediction of assembly (fasta)
- sourclass -> Determines the species of a assembly via sourmash (fasta)
- sourcluster -> kmer based tree/clustering of contigs (fasta) or multiple assmeblies (via dir/)
- sourmeta -> metagenomic WIMP determination via sourmash
- deepHumanPathogen -> maps illumina reads against human to remove "human reads" (fastqPairs)
- (and more)
- intended for linux systems
- install
viasudo apt install docker.io
- or
via this
- or
- add the docker group to your user via
sudo usermod -a -G docker $USER
- reboot after this
- install java runtime on your system
- install nextflow via
curl -s https://get.nextflow.io | bash
nextflow run replikation/docker_pipelines --help
- update docker pipelines via
nextflow pull replikation/docker_pipelines
Christian Brandt. (2020, September 15). Docker pipelines: a collection of nextflow workflows related to nanopore data, taxonomy and antibiotic resistance (Version v.1.0.0). Zenodo. http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.4030719