A Rails engine for automatically flagging profane content so that it can be reviewed by a human.
The profane word list is based on facebook's list of profane words.
- Install the gem
- Install and run the migrations
- Add
include Flaggable::ActsAsFlaggable
to any model that you want to track
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'flaggable'
And then execute:
$ bundle
And the install the migrations:
$ rails flaggable:install:migrations
And run migrations:
$ rails db:migrate
There is plenty of opportunity to build on this:
- Mountable controllers for reviewing content
- Increase the number of things that it checks for
- Extend the checking behavior to an optional background job
- Reports, Alerts, and Slack Notifications
When you are ready to publish the gem, do the following:
- Bump the version according to semantic versioning
- Run bin/publish to build the gem and push it to github's package server
The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.