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Crispy Doom provides many optional features. Most if them are disabled by default, but can get enabled in the Crispness menu.


These options affect the rendering of the internal frame buffer to the game window.

  • High Resolution Rendering

    Increase the internal frame buffer's rendering resolution from Doom's original 320x200 to 640x400 pixels (default: on).

  • Widescreen Rendering

    Extend the rendered game scene horizontally to match the screen's aspect ratio (default: off).

    This feature is only available if "Aspect Ratio Correction" is enabled in the setup tool. Without preserving an aspect ratio, the window could just be resized arbitrarily wide.

  • Uncapped Framerate

    Update the frame buffer to the game window as soon as possible and interpolate between frames, instead of updating at Doom's original fixed rate of 35 FPS (default: off).

  • Enable VSync

    Synchronize the updating of the frame buffer with the screen's own vertical refresh rate (default: on).

  • Smooth Pixel Scaling

    Upscale the frame buffer to the game window's resolution by means of linear interpolation (default: on).


These features change the visual appearance of the game.

  • Colorize HUD Elements

    • Status Bar: Colorize Status Bar widgets (i.e. Ammo, Health and Armor) by their respective value, from blue (> 100%) over green (normal) and gold (< 50%) to red (critical).
    • HUD Texts: Highlight specific parts of HUD messages, e.g. when trying to open a key-locked door, by their respective color. Furthermore, colorize widgets like the map name on the Automap, or level statistics and player coordinates if enabled.
    • Both.
    • Off: Disabled (default).
  • Enable Translucency

    • Projectiles: Render certain projectiles, e.g. plasma balls and monsters' fireballs, translucently.
    • Items: Render certain items, e.g. power-up spheres and teleport fog, translucently.
    • Both.
    • Off: Disabled (default).
  • Smooth Diminishing Lighting

    Apply smoother diminishing lighting of the game scene with increasing distance from the player by using 32 light levels instead of 16 (default: off).

  • Apply Brightmaps to

    • Walls: Highlight certain parts of wall textures and ceiling/floor flats that resemble light sources, e.g. switches and computer panels.
    • Items: Highlight certain parts of pick-up and weapon sprites as well as explosive barrels that resemble light sources, e.g. status lights on weapons and ammo.
    • Both.
    • None: Disabled (default).
  • Colored Blood and Corpses

    Colorize the blood sprites and the sprites of crushed corpses for certain monsters (e.g. green for Barons of Hell and Hell Knights, blue for Cacodemons). Furthermore, render Spectres' blood sprites with the invisibility blur and turn Lost Souls' blood into puffs. Additionally, randomly colorize decorative marine corpses (default: off).

  • Randomly Mirrored Corpses

    Randomly flip death animations and corpse sprites for certain monsters as well as decorative marine corpses (default: off).


These options change how sound effects are played back.

  • Play Sounds in Full Length

    Prevent one sound effect cutting off the previous one, e.g the chainsaw's idle sound interrupting its own start-up sound. Also, continue playing a sound effect even if the corresponding thing was removed from the map, e.g. an exploding barrel or a rocket impacting on a wall (default: off).

  • Misc. Sound Fixes

    Miscellaneous small fixes to sound quirks considered to be bugs in Vanilla Doom, e.g. fast doors making two closing sounds (default: on).

  • Sound Channels

    The number of sound effects that can be played back simultaneously.

    • 8 (as in Vanilla Doom and Strife, default).
    • 16 (as in Heretic and Hexen).
    • 32 .
  • Mono SFX

    Play all sound effects in mono, i.e. without stereo separation (default: off). While this may limit orientation and enemy localization, it reportedly helps players who quickly feel nauseous.


These features help with navigation within the maps.

  • Extended Automap Colors

    Apply a more diverse and convenient color scheme to the Automap, e.g. doors and switches locked by keys are drawn in their respective colors, teleports are drawn in green and unrevealed secret sectors are drawn in purple (default: on).

  • Show Level Stats

    Show Kills (K), Items (I) and Secrets (S) statistics in the top left corner of the screen (current/total).

    • Always.
    • In Automap.
    • Never (default).
  • Show Level Time

    Show the time that has ticked away since the level started in the top left corner of the screen (MM:SS).

    • Always.
    • In Automap.
    • Never (default).
  • Show Player Coords

    Show the player's X and Y coordinates and the horizontal view angle (A) in the top right corner of the screen.

    • In Automap.
    • Never (default).

    There is no "Always" option for this feature as this is considered to be cheating during demo recordings.

  • Show Revealed Secrets

    Show a centered golden message and play a sound effect whenever a secret is revealed.

    • On: Show a plain "A secret is revealed!" message.
    • Count: Show a "Secret M of N revealed!" message, where N is the total number of secrets in the map.
    • Off (default).


These features provide some tactical advantage by adding to the realism of the game.

  • Allow Free Look

    Allow looking up and down either by pushing keyboard keys (usually bound to the PgDn and Del keys, as in Heretic) or by vertical mouse movement while holding a dedicated mouse button.

    • Spring: Center the view angle once the key or mouse button is released.
    • Lock: Keep the view angle, even after the key or mouse button is released.
    • Off (default).

    Enabling this feature will cause the sky texture to become vertically stretched.

  • Permanent Mouse Look

    Allow looking up and down by vertical mouse movement without the need to hold a dedicated key or mouse button (default: off).

    Enabling this feature will cause the sky texture to become vertically stretched.

  • Player View/Weapon Bobbing

    Set the player view and weapon sprite bobbing amplitude.

    • Full: Set player view and weapon sprite bobbing to full amplitude, as in vanilla Doom (default).
    • 75%: Reduce player view and weapon sprite bobbing amplitude to 75%, as in the Doom Classic engine of the Doom 3: BFG Edition.
    • Off: Disable player view and weapon sprite bobbing. Weapon sprites remain centered, as in e.g. Wolfenstein 3-D.

    Obviously, disabling weapon sprite bobbing will render the "Weapon Attack Alignment" feature useless.

  • Weapon Attack Alignment

    When attacking, align the weapon sprite relative to the center of the screen.

    • Off: The weapon sprite's position remains unchanged when attacking, as in vanilla Doom (default).
    • Centered: The weapon sprite gets centered horizontally and pushed up vertically into its idle position, as in e.g. Jaguar Doom.
    • Bobbing: The weapon sprite continues to bob as it does while the player is moving.
  • Squat Weapon Down on Impact

    Move the weapon sprite down and up again after falling down from a certain height to give a more realistic impression of the impact on the floor (default: off).

  • Weapon Recoil Pitch

    When firing, give an impression of the weapon pushing up by slightly changing the player's vertical view angle without affecting the trajectory (default: off).

    Enabling this feature will cause the sky texture to become vertically stretched.

  • Negative Player Health

    Allow the player's health to go below 0, to give an impression of the lethal hit's damage (default: off).


These options change the appearance of the "crosshair" aiming aid.

  • Draw Crosshair

    Draw the crosshair aiming aid.

    • Static: The crosshair is drawn in the center of the screen.
    • Projected: The crosshair is projected into the game scene, moving with the player and showing exactly where the player's shot would hit.
    • Off (default).
  • Crosshair Shape

    Set the shape of the crosshair.

    • Cross: + (default).
    • Chevron: ^
    • Dot: .
  • Color Indicates Health

    Colorize the crosshair depending on the player's health value, using the same color scheme as the Status Bar's Health widget (default: off).

  • Highlight on Target

    Highlight the crosshair if the shot would hit an enemy (default: off).


These features change the game physics. They are forcefully disabled during demo recording and playback as well as network games.

  • Vertical Aiming

    • Autoaim: Help the player aiming by guiding the shot trajectory towards monsters, as in Vanilla Doom (default).
    • Direct: Aim the shot trajectory exactly into the player's looking direction.
    • Both: As above, but enable "Autoaim" if a shot would miss a monster otherwise.
  • Allow Jumping

    • Allow the player to jump (usually bound to the / key) either "high", as in Hexen, or "low", as in Strife (default: off).
  • Walk over/under Monsters

    • Allow the player to walk across monsters' heads or beneath flying monsters (default: off).
  • Weapon Recoil Thrust

    • Apply some reverse horizontal momentum to the player when shooting a weapon (default: off).


These features provide some additional information when recording or playing back demos.

  • Show Demo Timer

    Show a small timer widget in the upper right corner of the screen during demo recording and/or playback (default: off).

  • Playback Timer Direction

    If the "Demo Timer" widget is enabled during demo playback, decide whether it counts up the elapsed time since the demo started (forward, default) or the remaining time until it ends (backward).

  • Show Demo Progress Bar

    Show a black/white progress bar at the bottom of the screen that fills up from left to right during demo playback (default: off).

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