This is a container for Go language development. The following features are included
- Centos7 is the base image
- VIM is installed with customized .vimrc
- VIM-GO plugin is installed
- NERDTreeTabs plugin is installed for VIM
- Go 1.7.4 is installed
- Automatically goimports on saving files
To run this container
docker run -it --name golang --net host --log-driver none richarticle/golang-dev
If you want to mount the volume of Go source code
docker run -it --name golang --net host --log-driver none -v /home/user/go:/go richarticle/golang-dev
Partial binaries are already included. If you want to install all binaries, run the following command to get all required binaries for vim.
vim +GoInstallBinaries +qall
In this vim configuration, comma (,) is the leader key.
: Go to tab n,b
: Go build,r
: Go run,n
: Toggle NERDTreeTabs<C-x><C-o>
: Autocompletion,<space>
: No highlight<C-o>
: Go back to ealier position.<F1>|,i
: Show information of variables, functions, etc.<F2>|,d
: Go to definition<F3>
: GoReferrers<F5>
: Previous tab<F6>
: Next tab<F12>
: Toggle paste mode
Please refer to for more information.