This repository contains my solutions to the selected assignments for Stanford's CS231n "Convolutional Neural Networks for Visual Recognition" course (Spring 2020).
Find course notes and assignments here and be sure to check out the video lectures for Winter 2016 and Spring 2017!
Assignments have been completed using TensorFlow 2.0.
Q1: k-Nearest Neighbor Classifier
Q2: Training a Support Vector Machine
Q3: Implement a Softmax classifier
Q5: Higher Level Representations: Image Features
Q1: Fully-connected Neural Network
Q3: Dropout
Q5: TensorFlow v2 on CIFAR-10
Assignment #3: Image Captioning with Vanilla RNNs, Image Captioning with LSTMs, Network Visualization, Style Transfer, Generative Adversarial Networks
Q1: Image Captioning with Vanilla RNNs
Q2: Image Captioning with LSTMs
Q3: Network Visualization: Saliency maps, Class Visualization, and Fooling Images using TensorFlow v2
Q4: Style Transfer using TensorFlow v2
Q5: Generative Adversarial Networks using TensorFlow v2
- Official course notes
While Colab is good for assignments, and is still a helpful and free tool for experimentation for your project, you will likely need a dedicated GPU instance when you start training on large datasets. The following link is really helpful for setting up the Google Cloud Platform (GCP). This instructoin is provided by cs231n as well.