Real-time multi-player Jeopardy game with over 100,000 questions.
Play here:
Sign in with Google and GitHub accounts or email
Player accounts with privacy controls and analytics (all-time record, totals and highs)
Game configuration
- Choose the categories you want to play with
- Play against other people or against bots
- Play solo or with up to 6 players
- Play 1 or 2 round games
- Play with or without penalties for incorrect answers
- Play in public or private games
In-game chat and emoji reactions
Allows for players to pause the game
Handles players disconnecting and rejoining the game
- By % correct answers
- By win %
- By # of wins
- By # of games
- By total points (all-time)
- By correct answers (all-time)
- By total points (1 game)
- By correct answers (1 game)
Game analytics
- Total number of games played
- Average score after each round
- Buzz-in rate for each round
- Correctness rate for each round
$ cd be-jeopardy
$ go mod tidy
$ docker compose up -d postgres
$ source .env
$ make run
$ cd fe-jeopardy
$ npm install
$ ng serve
Allow players to select bot difficulty
Tournament play
Support teams
Allow players to import their own questions
Look into pion for voice chat