- git
- Android Studio
git clone
cd ring-flash-ui
- Find out which full path you are on which you need for next step:
- Open 'Android Studio', and at the top menu, choose 'File' -> 'Open', and select the directory where you cloned ring-flash-ui app
- 'Android Studio' will start building, and you may get errors about missing requirements at the bottom of 'Android Studio'
- Click on 'Install missing ...' to continue
- Repeat the process to install all the missing requirements
- When installation if completed, on the left menu click 'Project' -> 'app' -> 'java' -> 'com.example.olehm.myapplication' -> 'MainActivitiy'
- Under 'private void verify()', replace the 'APP_KEY' and 'SECRET_KEY' of your RingCaptcha app
- If you do not have these, please sign-up at
- On the top menu, click 'Run app'
- This will popup a window to select your 'Device'
- If your 'Device' is marked 'OFFLINE', click on 'Cancel'
- On your physical device:
- Click on 'Settings'
- Click on 'Developer options'
- Toggle 'Developer options' to enable it
- Toggle 'USB debugging'
- Click 'Run app' again, and the 'OFFLINE' should disappear
- If you are prompted to allow 'USB Debugging', click 'Allow'
- The app should now appear on your Android device screen