Recommends top 10 movies based on user reviews
$ git clone
$ cd movies
$ git checkout tanya_flask
create & activate virtual env then install dependency:
with venv/virtualenv + pip:
$ python -m venv env # use `virtualenv env` for Python2, use `python3 ...` for Python3 on Linux & macOS
$ source env/bin/activate # use `env\Scripts\activate` on Windows
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
or with Pipenv:
$ pipenv install --dev
$ pipenv shell
$ flask run
* Running on OR
Checking movie recommendations: - This will generate movie recommendations for this user
#Kafka to csv Pipeline
Call getData function to pull data into the Data folder.
It creates/updates three csvs and one file
- Recommendations to users
- mpg by users
- ratings by users
- File with current start kafka stream
It checks if the stream is in bad by checking if format of csv follows
- mpgStr = "GET /data/m/"
- rateStr = "GET /rate/"
- recStr = "recommendation request, status 200, result:"
It also checks if the user id is [1,1000000] inclusive.
This function needs the port to be available
To connect to Kafka Broker Server with port forwarding by replacing
- [IP] with the ipaddress (Ex:
- [port] with port number (Ex: 9092)
$ssh -o ServerAliveInterval=60 -L :localhost: tunnel@ -NTf
To kill connection at port after :
$lsof -ti:[port] | xargs kill -9
It needs to have the correct information (substitute [topic] and [port] with the correct number):
TOPIC = "[topic]"
LOCAlPORT = "localhost:[port]"
Setup: it needs kafka-python, pytest, pytest-cov
$python -m pip install kafka-python
$python -m pip install pytest
$python -m pip install pytest-cov