SimpleGame is a light wieght game engine for making text based, top down dungeon crawlers. The old code can be found in simple_game.cpp
, but use of that file is not recommended. The code there was poorly codded and hard to be expanded upon to add any of the future features. As far as I know, this should compile on GNU/Linux and macOS; Windows may work using WSL but I have not tested it. NCurses(the library this uses to manage the terminal buffer) support is not good for Windows.
SimpleGame should compile on GNU/Linux and macOS. Simply run make
to build and ./SimpleGame
to run. When/if the project gets bigger and compile times get longer(especially if Vulkan support is added) prebuilt binaries will be provided.
Read map+basic config
- Read multiple config files from
- Read multiple config files from
- Doors + locked doors
- Add support for multi-page maps
- Add inventory gui
- Add custom item support(can be on ground, or start in player inventory)
- Item types:
- Health(+ or -)
- Collectable(does nothing)
- Key(open chest, door, or other window)
- Item types:
- Add chests(random or predefined contents)
- Add health and things to do damage(spikes, etc..)
- Add custom enemy support (will they have AI?)
- Possible Vulkan GUI port with simple pixelart graphics
| |--custom
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Needed Arguments:
- First line:
- End: MAP
Map ascii art follows this argument.
Optional Arguments:
- Title
Will not display if not provided
- Creator
Will not display if not provided
- Player Positon
Will default to (1, 1) if not provided. Upper left corner is (0, 0), down +y and right +x.
- Include
You can include as many of these as you want. Will include files from
directory to add customization to future features such as more maps for multiple pages, map links, item defintions, chest contents/loot tables, custom enemy definitions, and maybe paths to art if the game is ported to Vulkan.
title:Test Title
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