This project is a simple e-commerce website with the Drape branding, a local Philippine online clothing brand. It features an intuitive and user-friendly grid gallery layout to browse Drape's product listings, basic e-commerce functionalities such as cart management and checkout processes. The project also features an admin and customer panel, where website/business admins can manage product/order inventory and customers can view and check their current and previous orders.
- Download/clone this repository. You should have a drape-website folder with all files from the repo.
- Download and install XAMPP.
- Run XAMPP and select 'start' on Apache and MySQL (first two options on the XAMPP Control Panel).
- Locate XAMPP's installation folder and go to htdocs.
- Move the drape-website folder into the htdocs folder.
- Open your browser and go to phpmyadmin.
- Select 'New' on the sidebar and in the 'Create New Database' field, type in the name drape for the Drape database.
- Get the drape.sql file and drag it to the phpmyadmin page to upload the database.
- Type localhost/drape-website/ into the browser.
- The website should load and function correctly.
Alternatively, you can go to the DRAPE website.
Note that you may access the admin and customer panels using the following pre-loaded user credentials.
- Admin 1 (JustAnAdmin)
- Email: [email protected]
- Password: 123
- Customer 1 (JustACustomer)
- Email: [email protected]
- Password: 123
- Customer 2 (AnotherCustomer)
- Email: [email protected]
- Password: 123