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Various tools and extensions for .Net (6)



  1. Console Application Helper(s)

    1. CloseIfNotAborted(int seconds = 60, ConsoleKey targetKey = ConsoleKey.Escape)

      Closes the application after the defined number of seconds if the user does not press the defined key.

    2. ConsoleKeyInfo GetSingleKeyInputOrQuit(ConsoleKey? quitIfKey = null, bool onlyNumeric = false, bool promptUser = true, string errorPrompt = "Numeric input required! Try Again.")

      Retrieves the first key pressed on the keyboard.

      Optionally exits the application if developer defined key is pressed.

      Optionally restricts input to digits.

      Optionally prompts user as appropriate.

  2. Extensions

    1. Assembly

      GetTextFileFromAssembly(this Assembly asm, string filename)
    2. Collection

      IsNullOrEmpty<T>(this IEnumerable<T> source)
    3. Configuration Three extensions to manage instantiated Configuration objects:

      CleanUpJSONConfigs(this IConfiguration source, KeepWhich keepWhich = KeepWhich.First)
      CleanUpJSONConfigs(this IConfiguration source, IList<ConfigItem> items)
      PreferUserSecrets(this IConfiguration source)
    4. Enum Three extensions to simplify using attributes on Enums:

      GetEnumDescription<T>(this T value, bool useDisplayIfNoDesc = true, bool useDefaultIfNoDescOrDisplay = true) 
      GetDataType<T>(this T value)
      GetValueFromDescription<T>(this T value, string description)
    5. Exception Four extensions for Exceptions:

      Access the normally readonly Data property. Useful for passing detailed information to the "catcher" of the exception.
      SetData<T>(this T source, IDictionary<string, string> data) 
      //Access the normally readonly HelpLink property
      SetHelpLink<T>(this T source, string helpLink) 
      Returns a simple List<Exception> with all the exceptions in the primary 
      GetInnerExceptions(this Exception ex)
      //Returns a list of all the exception messages as a single string
      AllExceptionMessages<T>(this T source, bool withCR = true) 
    6. Object A new custom CheckForNull extension that allows the developer to throw a custom exception of with a custom message

      CheckForNull<T>(this object o, string paramName, string message = "") 
    7. String A handful of string manipulation extensions:

      ToNullableDateTime(this string s)
      ToNullableInt(this string s) 
      Deleted! - AddCSVInjectionProtection(this string source)
      Deleted! - RemoveCSVInjectionProtection(this string source)
      CSVInjectionProtection(this string source, CSVInjectionProtectionAction action)
      DateStringFromExcelDateString(this string source, string format = null)
      AppendListToString<T>(this string source, List<T> list, string prefix = ", ")
    8. ValidationError An extensions that formats the error messages into a string using the specified delimiter and optional line feed.

      FormatErrors(this IList<ValidationResult> source, string delimiter = ", ", bool useLineFeed = false, bool includeMemberNames = false)
  3. Helpers

    1. File Upload (to web site) Methods to facilitate uploading of large files

      UploadAsync(HttpContext context, FormOptions _defaultFormOptions, string fileStorePath)
      UploadSmallFileAsync(IFormFile file, string landingPath)
      GetEncoding(MultipartSection section)

      HttpRequest (builder)

    2. MIscellaneous

      1. Directory

        CleanUp(string folder, int hours)
        EnsurePathExists(string path)
      2. Reflection

    3. ZipTools

      GetManifest(string fileName)
      ExtractFile(string zipFileName, string itemPathAndName)
    4. Office Excel

      Gets the "name" of a column from its ordinal number. Use this to get the alphabetic value of an integer coulmn number. For instance 27 will return "AA"
      GetExcelColumnName(int columnNumber)

      Office File Property Helper

      Gets the extended file properties (Owner, LastUpdatedBy, whatever else is there)
      GetProperties(string fileName)
    5. Testing Two methods that allow unit testing of private methods

      GetPrivateMethod<T>(T source, string methodName) where T : class
      GetPrivateMethodAsync<T>(T source, string methodName) where T : class
  4. Middleware Swagger Tool to add a FileUpload element to the Swagger screen

  5. Utilities

    A couple utility methods methods for JSON and XML files

    ObfuscatedPropertyResolver(IEnumerable<string> propNamesToIgnore)


Various tools and extensions for .Net Core (6)







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