To start your Phoenix app:
- Install dependencies with
mix deps.get
- Create your database with
mix ecto.create
- Start Phoenix endpoint with
mix phoenix.server
Now you can visit localhost:4000
from your browser.
Ready to run in production? Please check our deployment guides.
- Official website:
- Guides:
- Docs:
- Mailing list:
- Source:
- users can see every domains but can't update or delete them
- super admin has full access and can add users
- delete user (keep its domains)
- remove the registration form (only super admin can register people)
- test admin (domain controller / domain index)
- change password users (me controller with show / edit / update)
- migrate to phoenix 1.3 (watch this before:
- new context and stuff + with in controller (not using context for now)
- move cache to a new service and add info about hit number / last hit at / last hit IP (Gen server with ETS table that runs in phoenix supervision tree)
- domain info service (check if it exists, whois, dig ...)
- live cache consultation (using channels)
- empty cache super admin
- add domains via "chat bot" wiht an ELM client for the chat interface
- validate domains and redirect format (may do a custom validation with a DNS check to see if the redirected domain exists) => masterize this:
- validate domain NX record in a background task (over engineering :))
- validate name != redirect
- validate uniqueness of name
- invalidate cache when a domain get deleted
- authentication from scratch
Mid project clean up
allow users to see all domains (even if they didn't created them)
prevent users to update or delete a domain they didn't created
manually invalidate cache
consult cache
manually recheck domain existence
last redirect_at
domains users pagination
Login flow:
- generate invitation link (invitation token)
- send this link
- the guy can connect with email and add users
- only super admin can generate link to invite people