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A website for me to learn ruby and to display all the hilarious comics that my boyfriend thinks up.

If you don't have middleman installed:

`gem install middleman`

When I first ran this cmd I got:

gem install middleman

Fetching: bundler-1.5.3.gem (100%) ERROR: While executing gem ... (Gem::FilePermissionError) You don't have write permissions for the /Library/Ruby/Gems/2.0.0 directory.

Which means that I was on a computer (duh) that only had Apple's Ruby installed, so I installed RVM : (the slash in front is important, you can remove the --trace, i just like knowing all the information if something goes wrong, which it inevitably does)

`\curl -sSL | bash -s -- --trace`

After you either have to restart terminal or run source (doesn't matter which)

`source ~/.rvm/scripts/rvm`

check if everything went okay:

`type rvm | head -n 1`

should return "rvm is a function"

and you are finally ready to actually install middleman:

`gem install middleman`

Oh man I still get the same permission error, so i check what version of ruby I am using:

 `ruby -v`
`ruby 2.0.0p247 (2013-06-27 revision 41674) [universal.x86_64-darwin13]`

As of Feb. 19, 2014 (today for me) that is the default ruby on a mac.

So turns out it is because I didn't actually tell rvm to use any different ruby, I should have ran : (safe run after rvm is installed, will just update rvm if it is already installed)

`rvm get stable --ruby`

use the updated rvm (not necessary, because it was already installed, but just in case)

` ~/.rvm/scripts/rvm`

now this should say return a version other than the one that showed up when you ran ruby -v rvm list default

`Default Ruby (for new shells)`

   `ruby-2.1.0 [ x86_64 ]`

Maybe we are lucky and can install middleman now? please? gem install middleman tentative success! I see: Building native extensions.
This could take a while... Fine, I will go get a coffee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Still? Ugh . . . . . . . . Yah! 46 seconds . . . man I swear it felt way longer.


`cd /wherever/you/cloned/the/repo/manvsmagic`

And run the middle man server:

`bundle exec middleman`


```bundle exec middleman
Could not find addressable-2.3.5 in any of the sources
Run `bundle install` to install missing gems.```

Fine, do what the nice documentation says:

`bundle install`

and moment of truth:

`bundle exec middleman`

``` The Middleman is loading
== The Middleman is standing watch at
== Inspect your site configuration at```

Fistpump! Now you can see the gloriesnes of the comic blog I built for my boyfriend. To shut down the server

`ctrl + c`

I was getting a weird error about writing to logs and then I had to ps aux | grep middle and kill -9 {ids} to stop the server, and it turns out that I had weird conflicting middleman-core and middleman-blog issues, so i just gem uninstall ${gem} for each of my installed middleman gems, and ran gem install middleman again, and everything was dandy candy again.

When everything is said and done, to generate the static pages that middleman is useful for, in your repo directory, run: bundle exec middleman build or, if something goes wrong, try: middleman build --verbose Check it.


The man vs magic dream comes true!






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