@metamask-institutional/defi-adapters / IProtocolAdapter / IProtocolAdapter
- getProtocolDetails
- getProtocolTokens
- getPositions
- getProtocolTokenToUnderlyingTokenRate
- getWithdrawals
- getDeposits
- getTotalValueLocked
- getApy
- getApr
• protocolId: Protocol
Unique identifier of the protocol.
• chainId: Chain
Unique identifier of the blockchain network.
• productId: string
Unique identifier for this protocol adapter
• adaptersController: AdaptersController
▸ getProtocolDetails(): ProtocolDetails
Object containing details about the protocol such as name and description.
Returns high level metadata for the protocol
▸ getProtocolTokens(): Promise
An array of objects detailing the protocol tokens.
Returns array of pool tokens (lp tokens) for the protocol
▸ getPositions(input
): Promise
Name | Type | Description |
input |
GetPositionsInput |
Object with user-address and optional blockNumber override. |
An array of objects detailing the user positions.
Returns array of user positions opened in this protocol
▸ getProtocolTokenToUnderlyingTokenRate(input
): Promise
Name | Type | Description |
input |
GetConversionRateInput |
Object with protocol-token-address and optional blockNumber override. |
Object detailing the price per share of the protocol token.
Returns "price" of lp-tokens in the form of the underlying tokens
▸ getWithdrawals(input
): Promise
Name | Type | Description |
input |
GetEventsInput |
Object specifying user-address, protocol-token-address (pool), and the block range. |
Array of objects detailing withdrawal events within the specified block range.
Returns the user's withdrawals from a position
▸ getDeposits(input
): Promise
Name | Type | Description |
input |
GetEventsInput |
Object specifying user-address, protocol-token-address (pool), and the block range. |
Array of objects detailing deposit events within the specified block range.
Returns the user's deposits to a position
▸ getTotalValueLocked(input
): Promise
Name | Type | Description |
input |
GetTotalValueLockedInput |
Object with optional blockNumber override. |
An array of objects detailing the total value locked in each protocol pool.
Returns the Tvl per pool defined in the underlying token
▸ getApy(input
): Promise
Name | Type | Description |
input |
GetApyInput |
Object with protocol-token-address and optional blockNumber override. |
Object detailing the Annual Percentage Yield for each protocol pool without reward APY.
Returns Apy per pool
▸ getApr(input
): Promise
Name | Type | Description |
input |
GetAprInput |
Object with protocol-token-address and optional blockNumber override. |
Object detailing the Annual Percentage Rate without reward APR for each protocol pool.
Returns Apr made per pool