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What is it ?

RockTest allows you to write test scenarios, using a simple and well known YAML syntax.

Tests are divided into steps, which are YAML blocks.

Example :

- display: This is RockTest
- sql.request:
    request: select * from rock

This scenario has 2 steps :

  • A display to print a message
  • A sql.request to execute a SQL request

Many modules are available (HTTP clients and server, SQL, Web automation with Selenium, Assertions...)


Interested ? Rock with Katakoda !

See it live on Katakoda :

Read the full documentation :

Getting started with Docker

You can use Rocker, the packaged Docker image of RockTest.

To run a scenario, do the following commands (suppose $SCEN is the directory where your senarios are)

$ cd $SCEN
$ docker run --rm -v $PWD:/scen rockintest/rocktest scenario.yaml

If you use Docker on Windows with cmd.exe :

C:\rocktest\scen> docker run --rm -v %cd%:/scen rockintest/rocktest scenario.yaml

Or if you prefer powershell :

PC C:\rocktest\scen> docker run --rm -v $pwd:/scen rockintest/rocktest scenario.yaml


To execute a simple scenario :

$ git clone
$ cd rocktest/docs/example/core
$ docker run --rm -v $PWD:/scen rockintest/rocktest display.yaml

Getting started without Docker

Get the binary release :

$ curl -L --output rocktest-bin.tar.gz

Extract the archive

$ tar xzvf rocktest-bin.tar.gz

Setup the environment :

$ rocktest-bin/sh/rocksetup
$ . ~/.bashrc

Run the "display.yaml" scenario

$ rocktest rocktest-bin/core/display.yaml

You Rock !!

Build Rocktest


To run RockTest, you need the following :

Setup Java 8

Setup Maven >= 3.6.3

Setup Selenium

As an option, to run the Web tests, you will need a Selenium server for your preferred browser.

Extract the binary and put it in your PATH. You need the browser installed too, of course (chrome and/or Firefox).

A Shell

If you are running Linux then you are ready to Rock 🎸

For Windows users, you can use either use WSL or Gitbash as a shell :

This will install Git and Bash on your Windows box.

Build from source

Open your shell, go to the right directory and run the following commands :

$ git clone
$ cd rocktest
$ mvn clean package

Then set the $ROCK_HOME environnement variable and add the sh directory to your PATH :

$ export ROCK_HOME=$PWD
$ export PATH=$PATH:$ROCK_HOME/sh

Run your first scenario

Enter the following comands :

$ cd $ROCK_HOME/scen-test
$ rocktest hello.yaml

You should see some logs, with the message "Hello RockTest" and a scenario success

________               ______  ________              _____
___  __ \______ __________  /_____  __/_____ __________  /_
__  /_/ /_  __ \_  ___/__  //_/__  /   _  _ \__  ___/_  __/
_  _, _/ / /_/ // /__  _  ,<   _  /    /  __/_(__  ) / /_
/_/ |_|  \____/ \___/  /_/|_|  /_/     \___/ /____/  \__/
 Test automation that rocks !        (v1.0.0-SNAPSHOT)
09/01/2021 16:08:15.559 [INFO ] -  Starting RocktestApplication v1.0.0-SNAPSHOT on bouzin with PID 69786 (/home/ben/src/rock/rocktest/target/rocktest-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar started by ben in /home/ben/src/rock/rocktest/scen-test)
09/01/2021 16:08:15.560 [DEBUG] -  Running with Spring Boot v2.3.0.RELEASE, Spring v5.2.6.RELEASE
09/01/2021 16:08:15.561 [INFO ] -  No active profile set, falling back to default profiles: default
09/01/2021 16:08:16.136 [INFO ] -  Started RocktestApplication in 0.893 seconds (JVM running for 1.288)
09/01/2021 16:08:16.138 [INFO ] -  Set variable module = hello
09/01/2021 16:08:16.138 [INFO ] -  Load scenario. name=hello.yaml, dir=.
09/01/2021 16:08:16.161 [INFO ] -  Set variable module = hello
09/01/2021 16:08:16.163 [INFO ] - [hello] Step#1 display,Hello RockTest !
09/01/2021 16:08:16.167 [INFO ] - [hello] Step#1 Hello RockTest !
=     Scenario Success ! It Rocks      =

Congrats !

You have just run your first RockTest scenario.

To learn how to do HTTP requests, SQL requests, Web scenarios or HTTP mocks, check the documentation :

Or play live on Katakoda :

Have fun with RockTest !