Following a career change in 2019 and subsequent professional experience with software development in the financial sector, I decided to go back and take my time learning the basics of Computer Science and Software Development at 42 School São Paulo - a disruptive school established around students’ autonomy and peer-to-peer learning - which I'm enjoying thoroughly!
🌱 I’m currently learning C++
🔨 I have work experience with a range of technologies, frameworks and systems, including Java/Spring Boot, Python/Flask, CSS/Bootstrap, Javascript/React, Cobol/IMS, Relational/NoSQL databases, and AWS.
📫 How to reach me:
- My Linkedin
- Read about my trajectory at 42 School on Medium (:brazil: in Portuguese)
- Peek at what I've been learning at 42 School project over at my main reppository or at Notion (:brazil: in Portuguese)
💬 Ask me about 42! I'm passionate about it :)
😄 Pronouns: they/he.