Releases: rollbar/rollbar-sf-apex
More reliable exception parsing:
- Allow/Expect multiple lines of context before the cause line.
- Allow Arbitrary number of lines (or none) before the user/org line.
- Allow omitted stack lines.
- In general, don't depend on specific/magic line numbers.
- Gracefully handle regex matching groups not found, and lineno/colno not found.
Pull requests
Better exception email parsing, #25
Install Link
- Allow setting the Rollbar environment from the settings page
- Environment is applied to all events, including uncaught exception reports and Flow/Process errors
- Enable/Disable sending Flow/Process errors, uncaught errors, or all events from the settings page
- Parse stack frames correctly from Trigger classes when using
- Better handling/recovery from interrupted installs and reinstalls
- Publish API callout mock, so customer org tests will work
Pull requests
Basic config options: Environment and enable/disable options, #22
Publish API callout mock, so customer org tests will work., #23
Install link
- Send Flow and Process errors to Rollbar.
- Simplified uninstall/reinstall by automating removal of dependencies
- Not affected by users/profiles on the RollbarSettings object
Pull requests
Flow and Process error reports, #17
Enable package uninstall, #18
Always read org defaults from rollbar settings, #19
Don't add custom key if it's null, #20
Install link:
Allows items to be sent via Platform Event, Future, or synchronous, with Platform Event being the default. Using Platform Events has numerous advantages:
- Can call at any time during DML, and can send whether or not the DML transaction succeeds.
- Can call from Triggers, Futures, Queuable Jobs, and from other Platform Events.
- Some resource limits apply, but are easier to manage than the sync callout limit.
Pull requests
Enable sending items from triggers, futures, etc. via platform events, #16
Install link
- Now available as a managed package, providing:
- Managed namespace, no namespace conflicts.
- Does not count against code size limits.
- Fully upgradeable, does not require uninstall/reinstall when upgrading.
- Installer improvements:
- No continuous polling/refresh during install.
- Pause where a config issue is detected, and resume when ready.
- Better handling of incorrect tokens (e.g. typos or wrong token type.)
Pull requests
Make client interface global, #10
Create email service in managed package, #11
Make post install pages gracefully handle failure modes, #12
Arguments to global methods must be global, #13
Remove logo from install page, #14
Install link