Cloud image bakery
Packer build requires the appropriate policies/service-accounts to be setup in each of the clouds.
folder has requires scripts in order to setup those policies.
To import existing resources you can use:
terraform import --var bucket=.... aws_iam_instance_profile.packer_profile PackerBuilderRole
GCP setup:
cd tf/gcp/
terraform init
terraform apply --var "bucket=..." --var "project=..." --var "region=..."
AWS setup:
Update the state (gcs) bucket inside and then:
cd tf/aws/
terraform init
terraform apply --var "bucket=..." --var "region=..."
./ --gcp --var-file=myvars.pkrvars.hcl
to copy image to another project:
gcloud compute --project=project2 images create image-2 --family=newfamily --source-image-family=srcfamily --source-image-project=project
./ --aws --var-file=myvars.pkrvars.hcl
./ --azure --var-file=myvars.pkrvars.hcl