A collection of my front-end projects made for practice. The freecodecamp projects took the most time to align with the testing bundle, after that I made a few changes to suit my minimalist neomorphism style preferences.
- Countdown Timer
- Starts a timer for seven days into the future.
- Expense Tracker
- Keeps track of income and expenses by adding and removing items from the local storage.
- Display transaction items in DOM
- Letter Count Tool
- Counts the letter in a given word.
- Lyrics Search
- Search songs, artists and lyrics fetching from the lyrics.ovh API and showing in DOM
- Displays a UI with song/artist input and pagination
- Meal Lookup
- Searchs and generates random meals from the themealdb.com API, click on the meals to see the details.
- Todo List
- A simple todo list app using local storage.
Responsive Websites:-
- Tribute Page
- For Nico, a video game character from one of my games.
- Technical Documentation Page
- For twine, incomplete.
- Survey Form
- Which one of my games do you like the most?
- Product Landing Page
- For my game Nimble Brass.
- Personal Portfolio
- Only links to these projects here, needs to be updated.
- Tribute Page
Front End Libraries (using React.js):-
- 25-5 Clock
- A Calculator
- A Drum Machine
- Markdown Previewer
- Using Marked.js.
- Random Quote Machine
- From technical innovators.
Data Visualization Projects:-
- Bar Chart
- United States GDP
- Choropleth Map
- United States Educational Attainment
- Heat Map
- Monthly Global Land Surface Temperature.
- Scatterplot Graph
- Doping in professional bicycle racing
- Tree Map
- Movie sales by genre
- Bar Chart