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One click install kubernets with shell scripts.

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one click install kubernets with shell script in Centos7. What you can learned in this project:

  1. how to write the linux shell .
  2. use expect to run command in a interacting mode, like config the login without password around some machine.
  3. the make file skill.
  4. how to install k8s, its dependencies.
  5. the core concepts.
  6. example of the k8s's core concept like: pod. deployment, dynamic pv ...
  7. how customization components worked fine with k8s. like: coredns, harbor. contained, dashboard and so on.
  8. ...


At the root path. run command:

    ./ --ssh username password --k8s_nodes master_ip:node1_ip:node_2_ip
    # example:
    # your machine username and password is root/root and the k8s cluster is 
    ./ --ssh root root --k8s_nodes
    you can run ./ -h for more information.

makefile supported k8s' examples. all examples will autotest after deployment.

  1. get all resource info.
    make <get| getAll>
  2. create a pod:

    this will create a nginx pod and open the 80 port for visiting. in this case, would delete the existed pod at first.

    make <createPod | applyPod>
  3. delete a pod:

    delete the existed pod.

    make  deletePod
  4. create a service.

    create a service with type of ClusterIp, NodePort, externalName. in this case, would create a corresponding nginx pod for requests processing.

    make <createService | createSvc | applyService | applySvc>
  5. delete a service

    delete the service, and its existed pod.

    make <deleteService | deleteSvc>
  6. create a deployment

    create the deployment which has two nginx pod.

    make <createDeploy | createDeployment | applyDeploy | applyDeployment>
  7. delete a deployment

    delete the created deployment.

    make <deleteDeploy | deleteDeployment>
  8. create a statefulSet
    make <applySts | createSts | applyStatefulSet | createStatefulSet>
  9. delete a statefulSet
    make <deleteSts | deleteStatefulSet>
  10. create a daemonSet
    make <applyDs | applyDaemonSet | createDs | createDaemonSet>
  11. delete a daemonSet
    make <deleteDs | deleteDaemonSet>
  12. create a job
    make <applyJob | createJob>
  13. delete a job
    make <deleteJob>
  14. create a cronJob
    make <applyCj | applyCronJob | createCj | createCronjob>
  15. delete a cronJob
    make <deleteCj | deleteCronJob>

for the example creating a service and its' pod: make createSvc


  1. one click install k8s cluster.
  2. add the func to test whether the k8s installed fail or success.
  3. set the kube-proxy mode to ipvs from iptables.
  4. add the makefile for pod, service, deployment, statefulSet, daemonSet ans other examples.


  1. fmt the code beautifully.
  2. set harbor as a individual hub.
  3. the pv, pvc makefile.
  4. add the visualization user interface.


there is some thought for this project.

the shell execution process.

the process steps( installing at the master but not salves.):

  1. process the input. which is the common func.
  2. common utils installing.
  3. master installing.
  4. nodes installing in a loop from master with ssh.
  5. extract the trans to a lib func.
  6. and then, use the make cmd to install or set some customization.


  1. all nodes' password must in same.
  2. the centos's kernel must be latest:3.16.12
  3. only support for single node master.


One click install kubernets with shell scripts.






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