In the following repository we are consolidating Verifiable Credential Schemas for several vertical industries or use cases. The goal is to facilitate developers of Self-Sovereign Identity systems to locate existing schemas that match closely with their project needs, promoting the building of interoperable systems from ground zero.
It's a curated compilation of links pointing to the original schema and creators. This is a dynamic and ongoing project. We encourage everybody to contribute by complementing this repository with additional schemas by opening an Issue or Pull request.
This work is part of the funded Catalyst proposal Interoperability within Atala Prism.
- Verifiable Credentials Data Model v1.1
- Verifiable Credentials JSON Schema Specification
- Verifiable Credentials Implementation Guidelines 1.0
- Verifiable Credentials Use Cases
- JSON-LD 1.1
- Aries RFC 0250: Rich Schema Objects
- IMS Global: Open Badges v2.0
- EducationalOccupationalCredential
- EBSI: Education Verifiable Accreditation records
- EBSI: Verifiable Diploma
- W3C: Modeling Educational Verifiable Credentials
- COVID-19 Credentials Initiative: CCI Schema Reference Documents
- MedicalEntity
- HL7 FHIR: Clinical
- HL7 FHIR: Diagnostics
- HL7 FHIR: Medications
- HL7 FHIR: Financial
- World Health Organization: Family of International Classifications
- EBSI: Legal Entity Verifiable ID
- EBSI: Natural Person Verifiable Id
- Organization
- Government Organization
- Person
- Corporation
- Local Business
- GLEI: Level 1 Data: LEI-CDF Format 3.1
- GLEI: Level 2 Data: Relationship Record (RR) CDF Format 2.1
- Markup for Banks and Financial Institutions
- W3C: Traceability Vocabulary v0.0 - A vocabulary for traceability in supply chains
- GS1 GS1 General Specifications
- RMI Responsible Minerals Initiative Blockchain Guidelines
- W3C Examples: vc-examples
- RSK Infrastructure Framework: EmailCredentialSchema
- RSK Infrastructure Framework: PhoneCredentialSchema
- Software Package
- Web Application
- KILT Protocol Registered ctypes
- Serto Schemas