a collection of some simple scripts
The content of the repository is not rocket science and I am pretty sure someone, somewhere can do it better, faster and smarter! So don't complain about the fact that most of the suff isn't as perfect as the script from random genius number 2034. If, on the other hand, someone needs a little script without inventing the wheel then feel free to use what's on here. I don't put it under a licence because you can find x variations of it on google anyway. At least be so kind and keep a reference to me in your modified versions.
- Powershell
- backup_and_restore_db.ps1 - script to backup or restore a MSSQL Server Database
- check_service.ps1 - script to check if a service is running
- hp_cim.ps1 - script to get informations about HP CIM classes provided by HP WEBM Providers
- rdp_tool.ps1 - creates a GUI to collect informations for an .rdp file
- robocopy_wrapper.ps1 - script to wrap the robocopy tool
- notify_after_backup.ps1 - script to be used in a windows job to send email notifications
- timeserver.ps1 - script to add a new timeserver in the windows registry
- RandomStuffModule - A try to make some of the powershell script stuff more useable by putting it into Cmdlets and a Module. Check out README in the module folder.
- RECONNECT_ORPHANED_USERS.sql - reconnect MSSQL Server logins with a given Database
- Shell
- OpenBSD
- spam - script to blacklist spammer ips
- check_spamd - a helper to get notification if spamd is running. For some reason on 6.1 the process just dies randomly after a few weeks of running
- acme_renew - script to renew let's encrypt certificates and on success restart httpd
- send_maillog - script to get a mail if a given recipient got an email in the last hour. Intent is to monitor mails generated by a local script (PHP or so) that uses the local smtpd to relay the mail to a different mail server. You might wnat to know if someone is exploiting your system ...
- sensor - small script that can be run as a cron job to periodically check the sensors values. It assumes some stuff but i guess it's not hard to addapt.
- dynupdate - simple scripte to update my own dynamic dns zone with an external ip of a fritzbox running at home.
- docker - some stuff for docker
- OCtoMC - some stuff to make a Owncloud Miggration to Nextcloud a little easier. I had to migrate from OC to NC 28. Check out README.
- OpenBSD