- download and extract faust installation archive (
- merge the files in this repository with the extracted files (replace Makefiles)
- install faust
- Xcode should also be installed on your system (
with the default arguments: faust2au filename (or faust2ausynth filename) (e.g. faust2au echo.dsp)
with some extra arguments: faust2au filename manufacturer STYP MANF
'manufacturer' is the manufacturer of the AU (The default value is 'Grame')
'STYP' is a four-character subtype (The default is the first four characters of the 'filename')
'MANF' is a four-character manufacturer (The default is the first four characters of the 'manufacturer')
- ~/Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/Components/'filename'.component
AU Name will be: 'manufacturer: filename' ('filename' is used as the AU name).
The names are case-sensitive, e.g. 'faust2au Echo.dsp' results in 'Echo' as the AU name