This project is deployed at
CRISIS is an open source RCOS project: a website that houses various course and major related tools for my college, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, since we believe that the offered tools are insufficient.
From the highest priority to lowest this would include:
Course descriptions, prerequisites, cross-listings, transfer options by course, the course time/location/professor that semester,
major/dual major curriculum by year, a HASS pathways planner, and possibly even a course scheduler if one of the RCOS scheduler projects wishes to collaborate.
Stacks: HTML, CSS, TypeScript, Static React
Lead: Trevor Brunette
Co-Lead: Cora Melville
For more information about contributions, see AUTHORS
We use node and npm to help develop this project; instructions to install those are
here and here.
To automatically download the dependencies, navigate to the cloned project directory and run
npm install
To start coding live with auto-compile on save and auto-refresh, within the project directory run
npm start
To build your code for deployment, within the project directory run
npm run build
and a deployable static site will be built in working-directory/build/
After you have cloned the repository, you will have your own version of it on your system to modify. You will use a branch for your (team's) development and commits, and submit pull requests to send your cumulative additions from commits for review and then to eventually be merged into the main. Pull requests should be relatively infrequent in general, but since the project is so new, there may be quite a few this semester.
CRISIS is licensed under the GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 by @rpi-crisis.
For more information on licensing and copyright information, see the LICENSE