Welcome to the Pokémon Review App! This is a guided project aimed at building a full-fledged review platform where users can rate and review various Pokémon. The project includes features such as Pokémon details, categories, owners, reviewers, and reviews management. The app uses ASP.NET Core for the backend and integrates with various repositories using the Repository pattern and AutoMapper.
Pokémon Management: View, create, update, and delete Pokémon.
Category Management: Organize Pokémon by category.
Owner Management: Link Pokémon to their respective owners.
Review System: Users can rate and review Pokémon.
Reviewer Management: View and be a reviewer.
AutoMapper Integration: Map between DTOs and Models.
Repository Pattern: Data access is abstracted into repositories.
Before you start, make sure you have the following installed:
- .NET Core SDK 6.0+
- SQL Server or PostgreSQL
- Entity Framework Core
- AutoMapper
- Swagger (for API testing)
- Postman (optional, for API testing)
git clone https://github.com/yourusername/pokemon-review-app.git
cd pokemon-review-app
dotnet restore
"ConnectionStrings": {
"DefaultConnection": "Server=YOUR_SERVER;Database=PokemonReviewDb;User Id=YOUR_USER;Password=YOUR_PASSWORD;"
dotnet ef database update```
#### Run the application:
dotnet run
Navigate to http://localhost:3000/swagger to explore the API documentation.
├── Controllers/
│ ├── PokemonController.cs
│ ├── CategoryController.cs
│ ├── OwnerController.cs
│ └── ReviewController.cs
│ └── ReviewerController.cs
├── Dtos/
│ ├── PokemonDto.cs
│ ├── CategoryDto.cs
│ ├── OwnerDto.cs
│ └── ReviewDto.cs
│ └── ReviewerDto.cs
├── Interfaces/
│ ├── IPokemonRepository.cs
│ ├── ICategoryRepository.cs
│ ├── IOwnerRepository.cs
│ └── IReviewRepository.cs
│ └── IReviewerRepository.cs
├── Models/
│ ├── Pokemon.cs
│ ├── Category.cs
│ ├── Owner.cs
│ └── Review.cs
│ └── Reviewer.cs
├── Repositories/
│ ├── PokemonRepository.cs
│ ├── CategoryRepository.cs
│ ├── OwnerRepository.cs
│ └── ReviewRepository.cs
│ └── ReviewerRepository.cs
├── AutoMapperProfiles/
│ └── MappingProfile.cs
├── PokemonReviewApp.csproj
├── appsettings.json
├── Seed.cs
└── Program.cs
Controllers: Handles API requests and sends responses.
Dtos: Data Transfer Objects used to transfer data between client and server.
Interfaces: Defines the contract for repositories.
Repositories: Implements data access logic.
Models: Database entities representing Pokémon, categories, owners, and reviews.
AutoMapperProfiles: Configuration for AutoM
- Swagger UI: Open http://localhost:3000/swagger in your browser to access the Swagger UI for testing the APIs interactively.
- Postman: Import the API collection from the Swagger endpoint to test the APIs in Postman(optional).
- Database Seeding: You can also use the seed script written and seed some data in your database by using the command
dotnet run seeddata
If you'd like to contribute, feel free to fork the repository and submit a pull request.
- Create a new feature branch (git checkout -b feature-branch)
- Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add new feature')
- Push to the branch (git push origin feature-branch)
- Open a Pull Request
- Create an issue with your contribution and link it to your PR.