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rrg92 committed Dec 12, 2024
1 parent 27ca4f1 commit 961edb7
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Showing 10 changed files with 386 additions and 37 deletions.
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -38,5 +38,4 @@ Describe "Provider Commands" -Tag "basic","core:providers" {
# Enter-AiProvider $


File renamed without changes.
File renamed without changes.
208 changes: 208 additions & 0 deletions tests/pester/001-core/004-util.tests.ps1
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,208 @@
Describe "Util Commands" -Tag "basic","utils" {
BeforeAll {

function GetOtherProvider {
$CurrentProvider = Get-AiCurrentProvider
$NewProvider = @(Get-AiProviders | ? {$ -ne $} | Get-Random)[0]

return @{
current = $
other = $


Context "HashTableMerge" {

InModuleScope powershai {
It "Merge two tables" {
$tab = HashTableMerge @{a = 1} @{b = 2}

$tab.a,$tab.b | Should -Be 1,2;

It "Merge two tables, overwrite" {
$tab = HashTableMerge @{a = 1} @{a = 3}

$tab.a | Should -Be 3;

It "Merge two tables, filter" {
$tab = HashTableMerge @{a = 1; c = 5} @{b = 2; c = "mudar"} -filter {

if($k.path -eq "/c"){

return $true;

return $false;

return $true;

$tab.c | Should -Be 5;


Context "Confirm-PowershaiObjectSchema" {

It "Simple Object, Valid Object" {
$object = @{ a = 1; b = "teste" }
$schema = @{
a = [int]
b = [string]
$result = Confirm-PowershaiObjectSchema $object $schema
$result.valid | Should -Be $true

It "Simple Object, Invalid Object" {
$object = @{ a = 1; b = "teste" }
$schema = @{
a = [int]
b = [int]
$result = Confirm-PowershaiObjectSchema $object $schema

$ValidationA = $result.validations | ? { $_.path -eq "/a" }
$ValidationB = $result.validations | ? { $_.path -eq "/b" }

$result.valid | Should -Be $false
$ValidationA.valid | Should -Be $true
$ValidationB.valid | Should -Be $false
$ValidationB.IsTypeValid | Should -Be $false

It "Nested Object, Valid Object" {
$object = @{
a = 1
b = @{
b1 = 123
b2 = (Get-Date)

$schema = @{
a = [int]
b = @{
b1 = [int]
b2 = [datetime]

$result = Confirm-PowershaiObjectSchema $object $schema
$result.valid | Should -Be $true

It "Nested Object, Invalid Object, b.b2 type" {
$object = @{
a = 1
b = @{
b1 = 123
b2 = (Get-Date)

$schema = @{
a = [int]
b = @{
b1 = [int]
b2 = [int]

$result = Confirm-PowershaiObjectSchema $object $schema
$result.valid | Should -Be $false

It "Nested Object, Invalid Object, b type" {
$object = @{
a = 1
b = @{
b1 = 123
b2 = (Get-Date)

$schema = @{
a = [int]
b = [int]

$result = Confirm-PowershaiObjectSchema $object $schema
$result.valid | Should -Be $false

It "Nested Object With Array, valid" {
$object = @{
a = 1
b = @{
b1 = 123
b2 = @(
@{ itemNum = 0; itemName = "obj1" }
@{ itemNum = 1; itemName = "obj2" }

$schema = @{
a = [int]
b = @{
b1 = [int]
b2 = @{
'$schema' = [array]
itemNum = [int]
itemName = [string]

$result = Confirm-PowershaiObjectSchema $object $schema

$result.valid | Should -Be $true


It "Nested Object With Array, forgot `$schema" {
$object = @{
a = 1
b = @{
b1 = 123
b2 = @(
@{ itemNum = 0; itemName = "obj1" }
@{ itemNum = 1; itemName = "obj2" }

$schema = @{
a = [int]
b = @{
b1 = [int]
b2 = @{
#'$schema' = "array" --> simulating forgot!
itemNum = [int]
itemName = [string]

$result = Confirm-PowershaiObjectSchema $object $schema
$result.valid | Should -Be $false


138 changes: 138 additions & 0 deletions tests/pester/001-core/005-cmdlets.tests.ps1
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
BeforeAll {
import-module ./powershai -force;

Describe "Get-AiChat" -Tags "get-aichat" {

BeforeAll {
Set-AiProvider openai;

$Control = @{
num = 0;

$CustomMessaege = @{
model = "pester-test"
choices = @(
message = @{
content = "test123";

# Control output!
Mock -module powershai openai_Chat {

return $CustomMessaege


It "Returning test message" {
$resp = Get-AiChat;

$resp.choices[0].message.content | Should -be "test123"

It "Returning, content only" {
$resp = Get-AiChat -ContentOnly;

$resp | Should -be "test123"

It "Retry Logic retries" {
$MaxTries = Get-Random -Min 2 -Max 5;
{ Get-AiChat -Check "test456" -Retries $MaxTries} | Should -Throw
Assert-MockCalled -ModuleName powershai openai_Chat -Times $MaxTries;

It "Retry Logic retries" {
$MaxTries = Get-Random -Min 2 -Max 5;
{ Get-AiChat -Check "test456" -Retries $MaxTries} | Should -Throw
Assert-MockCalled -ModuleName powershai openai_Chat -Times $MaxTries;

It "Retry Logic, check like" {
$CustomMessaege.choices[0].message.content = "Powershai Test 123";

{$resp = Get-AiChat -CheckLike "*Test*" -Retries 2} | Should -Not -Throw
Assert-MockCalled -ModuleName powershai openai_Chat -Times 1;

{$resp = Get-AiChat -CheckLike "*NotTest*" -Retries 2} | Should -Throw
Assert-MockCalled -ModuleName powershai openai_Chat -Times 2;

It "Retry Logic, check regex" {
$CustomMessaege.choices[0].message.content = "Powershai Test 123";

{$resp = Get-AiChat -CheckRegex 'Test \d+' -Retries 2} | Should -Not -Throw
Assert-MockCalled -ModuleName powershai openai_Chat -Times 1;

{$resp = Get-AiChat -CheckRegex 'Test$' -Retries 2} | Should -Throw
Assert-MockCalled -ModuleName powershai openai_Chat -Times 2;

It "Retry Logic, check json" {
$CustomMessaege.choices[0].message.content = @{
a = 1
b = "String"
c = @{
c1 = "c.c1"
c2 = "c.c2"
d = @(
@{ id = 0 }
@{ id = 1 }
} | ConvertTo-Json

$schema = @{
a = [int]
b = [string]
c = @{
c1 = [string]
c2 = [string]
d = @{
'$schema' = [array]
id = [int]

{$resp = Get-AiChat -CheckJson $schema -Retries 2} | Should -Not -Throw
Assert-MockCalled -ModuleName powershai openai_Chat -Times 1;

$schema.a = [string];

{$resp = Get-AiChat -CheckJson $schema -Retries 5} | Should -Throw
Assert-MockCalled -ModuleName powershai openai_Chat -Times 5;

It "Retry Logic, custom script" {
$CustomMessaege.choices[0].message.content = "Test123";

$CheckScript = {
$_.choices[0].message.content -eq "Test123";

{$resp = Get-AiChat -CheckJson $CheckScript -Retries 2} | Should -Not -Throw

$CheckScript = {
$_.model -ne $CustomMessaege.model
{$resp = Get-AiChat -CheckJson $CheckScript -Retries 5} | Should -Throw
Assert-MockCalled -ModuleName powershai openai_Chat -Times 5;



File renamed without changes.

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