A user-space driver for the Winsen ZE08-CH2O formaldehyde sensor
It has been tested on a desktop PC with a USB-serial converter and on a Raspberry Pi.
Remember that this sensor does NOT tolerate 5V in its RX input. If you just want to use the default, active mode, you don't even need to connect this pin, so you can connect directly 5V, GND and Arduino's RX.
mkdir build && cd build &&
cmake .. && make
build/ze08-ch2o <port> [flush interval]
For example:
build/ze08-ch2o /dev/ttyUSB0 60 > ch2o.log
will only write the outputs
to stdout every 60 seconds, thus reducing flash memory wear-out.
The output is preceded by a timestamp number (the customary seconds since epoch).
Keep in mind that the program will NOT show repeated values. So don't be surprised if you only see one value and then it apparently stops.
If it helps you in your project, or if you have bug reports or feature requests, don't hesitate to contact me.
Sensor website: https://www.winsen-sensor.com/products/formaldehyde-detection-module/ze08-ch2o.html
An equivalent driver is available for Arduino/ESP8266 here: https://github.com/rsalinas/ze08-ch2o-arduino