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[griddynamics#1028][feature] - Reuse DSL code with macros
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rsvato committed Aug 23, 2013
1 parent 84c7576 commit 7d1a51d
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Showing 6 changed files with 309 additions and 27 deletions.
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
package com.griddynamics.genesis.template.dsl.groovy.transformations.exceptions;

public class DSLSyntaxException extends Exception {
public DSLSyntaxException(String message) {
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
package com.griddynamics.genesis.template.dsl.groovy.transformations.exceptions;

public class MacroParametersException extends DSLSyntaxException {
public MacroParametersException(String message) {
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -48,6 +48,7 @@ import org.codehaus.groovy.control.CompilerConfiguration
import org.codehaus.groovy.control.customizers.ASTTransformationCustomizer
import support.VariablesSupport
import com.griddynamics.genesis.template.dsl.groovy.transformations.{MacroExpand, PhaseContainer, Context}

@RemoteGateway("groovy template service")
class GroovyTemplateService(val templateRepoService : TemplateRepoService,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -156,7 +157,8 @@ class GroovyTemplateService(val templateRepoService : TemplateRepoService,
projectId.foreach (evaluateIncludes(_, templateDecl.includes, groovyShell))
} catch {
case e: GroovyRuntimeException => throw new IllegalStateException("can't process template", e)
case compilation: CompilationFailure => throw new IllegalStateException("Conpilation error: " + compilation.message, compilation)
case e: GroovyRuntimeException => throw new IllegalStateException("can't process template: " + e.getMessage, e)
} { body => DslDelegate(body).to(builder).newTemplate() }
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Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,45 +3,199 @@ package com.griddynamics.genesis.template.dsl.groovy.transformations
import org.codehaus.groovy.transform.{ASTTransformation, GroovyASTTransformation}
import org.codehaus.groovy.control.{SourceUnit, CompilePhase}
import com.griddynamics.genesis.util.Logging
import org.codehaus.groovy.ast.{CodeVisitorSupport, ASTNode}
import org.codehaus.groovy.ast.{Parameter, CodeVisitorSupport, ASTNode}
import org.codehaus.groovy.ast.expr._
import scala.collection.mutable
import org.codehaus.groovy.ast.stmt.{ExpressionStatement, Statement, BlockStatement}
import java.util
import scala.collection.JavaConversions._
import com.griddynamics.genesis.template.dsl.groovy.transformations.exceptions.MacroParametersException
import org.codehaus.groovy.control.messages.SimpleMessage

@GroovyASTTransformation(phase = CompilePhase.CONVERSION)
class MacroASTTransformation extends ASTTransformation with Logging {
def visit(nodes: Array[ASTNode], source: SourceUnit) {
log.trace(s"Inside a macros transformer: ${nodes.length}")
val methods = source.getAST.getStatementBlock.getStatements
val it = methods.iterator().next()
val collector = new MacroCollector
val collector = new MacroCollector(source)
it.visit(new NameMatchArgumentTransformer("template", collector))
if (collector.macros.size > 0) {
methods.iterator().next().visit(new MacroExpandVisitor(collector.macros.toMap))
val replacementMap = new mutable.HashMap[Statement, Expression]()
log.trace(s"Found ${collector.macros.size} macros")
methods.iterator().next().visit(new MacroExpandVisitor(collector.macros.toMap, replacementMap, source))

class MacroExpandVisitor(val macrodefs: Map[String, ClosureExpression]) extends CodeVisitorSupport with Logging {
trait SourceReporting {
def source: SourceUnit
def error[B](message: String)(value: B) = {
source.getErrorCollector.addError(new SimpleMessage(message, "", source))

class ApplyVariablesVisitor(values: Map[String, Expression], replacements: mutable.Map[Statement, Expression]) extends CodeVisitorSupport with ExpressionTransformer
with Logging {
override def visitExpressionStatement(statement: ExpressionStatement) {
val expression: Expression = statement.getExpression
val toChange: Expression = expression
val newExpression: Expression = toChange.transformExpression(this)

override def visitMapEntryExpression(expression: MapEntryExpression) {
val key: Expression = expression.getKeyExpression
val value: Expression = expression.getValueExpression

override def visitBinaryExpression(expression: BinaryExpression) {

def transform(expression: Expression): Expression = {
expression match {
case variable: VariableExpression => {
case constant: ConstantExpression if constant.getText.startsWith("$") =>
case other => other

class MacroExpandVisitor(val macrodefs: Map[String, Macro], replacements: mutable.Map[Statement,Expression], val source: SourceUnit) extends CodeVisitorSupport with Logging with SourceReporting {
val nameExtract: PartialFunction[Expression, String] = {
case call if call.isInstanceOf[MethodCallExpression] => call.asInstanceOf[MethodCallExpression].getMethodAsString
private def substitute(code: Macro, call: MethodCallExpression): Statement = {
val arguments: Expression = call.getArguments
//possible variants: ArgumentListExpression, Map
val passed: Seq[PassedParameter] = arguments match {
case list: ArgumentListExpression =>{case (expr, index) => new PositionedParameter(index, expr)}).toSeq
case tuple: TupleExpression => tuple.getExpressions.flatMap(e => e match {
case named: NamedArgumentListExpression => { => expr.getKeyExpression match {
case constant: ConstantExpression => Some(NamedParameter(constant.getText, expr.getValueExpression))
case other => error("Only constants allowed in macro named arguments")(None)
case other => error("Macro parameters can be passed as comma-separated list or as named pairs")(Seq())
val values: Map[String, Option[Expression]] ={case ((name, value), idx) => {
val found = passed.find({
case named: NamedParameter => == name
case pos: PositionedParameter => pos.position == idx
(name, found)
val unsassigned = values.collect({case (name, value) if value.isEmpty || value.get == null => name})
if (unsassigned.size > 0) {
error(s"Some arguments for macro `${}` were not assigned and they don't have default value: " + unsassigned.mkString(", "))(code.code)
} else {
applyArguments({case (name, expr) => (name, expr.get)}), code.code)

private def applyArguments(values: Map[String, Expression], code: BlockStatement) : BlockStatement = {
val visitor = new ApplyVariablesVisitor(values, replacements)
log.debug(s"Applying variables $values")
val copy = copyBlock(code)
log.trace(s"Initial code is: $code")
log.debug(s"Copy with expanded variables: $copy")

def replaceStatement(statement: BlockStatement, expression: ExpressionStatement): Statement = {
private def copyBlock(original: BlockStatement): BlockStatement = {
val bs = new BlockStatement()
addBlockToBlock(original, bs)

private def addBlockToBlock(source: BlockStatement, target: BlockStatement) {

private val copy: PartialFunction[Expression, Expression] = {
case variable: VariableExpression => new VariableExpression(variable.getName)
case constant: ConstantExpression => new ConstantExpression(constant.getText)
case binary: BinaryExpression => new BinaryExpression(copy(binary.getLeftExpression), binary.getOperation,
case closure: ClosureExpression => copyClosureExpression(closure)
case arguments: ArgumentListExpression => new ArgumentListExpression(
case mapEntry: MapEntryExpression => new MapEntryExpression(copy(mapEntry.getKeyExpression), copy(mapEntry.getValueExpression))

private def copyClosureExpression(closure: ClosureExpression): ClosureExpression = {
def copyParameters (closure: ClosureExpression) = { => new Parameter(p.getType, p.getName, copy(p.getInitialExpression)))
closure.getCode match {
case bs: BlockStatement => new ClosureExpression(copyParameters(closure), copyBlock(bs))

private def addBinaryExpression(be: BinaryExpression, bs: BlockStatement) = {
bs.addStatement(new ExpressionStatement(copy(be)))

private def addMethodCall(objectExpr: Expression, method: String, arguments: Expression, statement: BlockStatement) {
val newExpr = new MethodCallExpression(objectExpr, method, copy(arguments))
statement.addStatement(new ExpressionStatement(newExpr))

private def addMapExpression(map: MapExpression, statement: BlockStatement) {
val copies = => {
val newExpr = new MapExpression(copies.toList)
statement.addStatement(new ExpressionStatement(newExpr))

private def addStatement(blockStatement: BlockStatement)(statement: Statement) {
statement match {
case bs: BlockStatement => addBlockToBlock(bs, blockStatement)
case es: ExpressionStatement => {
val expr: Expression = es.getExpression
expr match {
case constant: ConstantExpression => blockStatement.addStatement(es)
case de: DeclarationExpression => blockStatement.addStatement(es)
case be: BinaryExpression => addBinaryExpression(be, blockStatement)
case method: MethodCallExpression => addMethodCall(method.getObjectExpression, method.getMethodAsString, method.getArguments, blockStatement)
case map: MapExpression => addMapExpression(map, blockStatement)

private def replaceStatement(statement: BlockStatement, expression: ExpressionStatement): Statement = {
val initialStatements: util.List[Statement] = statement.getStatements
val position = initialStatements.indexOf(expression)
expression.getExpression match {
case mce: MethodCallExpression =>
val key: String = nameExtract(expression.getExpression)
log.trace(s"Expanding call of $key at position $position")
macrodefs.get(key).map(e => {
initialStatements.set(position, e.getCode)
}) orElse(throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Macro $key not found anywhere in template"))
val code: Statement = if (e.parameters.isEmpty) e.code else substitute(e, mce)
initialStatements.set(position, code)
}) orElse error(s"Macro $key not found anywhere in template")(None)
case other =>
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Macro call must have a form of function call: " + expression.getExpression)
error("Macro call must have a form of function call: " + expression.getExpression)_
val cleared = initialStatements.filterNot(_.getStatementLabel == "macro")
new BlockStatement(cleared, statement.getVariableScope)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -84,8 +238,23 @@ class MacroExpandVisitor(val macrodefs: Map[String, ClosureExpression]) extends

class MacroCollector extends ExpressionTransformer with Logging {
var macros: mutable.Map[String, ClosureExpression] = new mutable.HashMap[String, ClosureExpression]()
case class Macro(name: String, parameters: List[Macro.ParameterDefinition], code: BlockStatement) {
val parametersMap = parameters.toMap
val zippedMap ={case (definition,index) => (index,definition)}).toMap

sealed trait PassedParameter {
def value: Expression
case class NamedParameter(name: String, value: Expression) extends PassedParameter
case class PositionedParameter(position: Int, value: Expression) extends PassedParameter

object Macro {
type ParameterDefinition = (String, Option[Expression])

class MacroCollector(val source: SourceUnit) extends ExpressionTransformer with Logging with SourceReporting {
var macros: mutable.Map[String, Macro] = new mutable.HashMap[String, Macro]()
def transform(expression: Expression) : Expression = {
expression match {
case a: ClosureExpression => {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -121,19 +290,33 @@ class MacroCollector extends ExpressionTransformer with Logging {

def saveExpr(expression: MethodCallExpression) {
def parseArgurmentList(mapExpr: NamedArgumentListExpression): (String, ClosureExpression) = {
def parseArgumentList(mapExpr: NamedArgumentListExpression): Option[(String, ClosureExpression)] = {
val top = mapExpr.getMapEntryExpressions.iterator().next()
val key: String = top.getKeyExpression.asInstanceOf[ConstantExpression].getValue.toString
val closure = top.getValueExpression.asInstanceOf[ClosureExpression]
(key, closure)
top.getValueExpression match {
case closure: ClosureExpression => Some(key, closure)
case other => error(s"Macro body must be a closure: $key; actual $other")(None)
def parseMacro(name: String, closure: ClosureExpression): Option[Macro] = {
val parameters = => {
new Macro.ParameterDefinition(parameter.getName, Some(parameter.getInitialExpression))
closure.getCode match {
case bs: BlockStatement => Some(Macro(name, parameters.toList, closure.getCode.asInstanceOf[BlockStatement]))
case other => error(s"Macro body must be a block statement: $name; actual: $other")(None)

val (name, body) = expression.getArguments match {
val nameAndCode: Option[(String, ClosureExpression)] = expression.getArguments match {
case mapExpr: NamedArgumentListExpression =>
case tuple: TupleExpression =>
tuple.getExpression(0) match {
case arguments: NamedArgumentListExpression => parseArgumentList(arguments)
macros(name) = body
nameAndCode.flatMap ({case (name,body) => parseMacro(name,body) }) map (result => macros( = result)

def evalStatement(statement: Statement): Boolean = {
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39 changes: 36 additions & 3 deletions backend/src/test/resources/groovy/Macros.genesis
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5,13 +5,36 @@ template {

def MY_CONSTANT = "Set from constant"

defmacro "create_steps": {
defmacro "create_steps": { $message = "default" ->
1 + 2
teststep {
text = "test from macro"
text = $message

defmacro "simple": {
teststep {

defmacro "map": { $key, $mapValue ->
withMap {
text = "Test"
map = { [ $key: $mapValue ] }

defmacro "bad_require": { $message ->
require {
$message { 1 == 2 }
"Oops again" { 2 == 1 }


workflow("create") {
steps {
teststep {
Expand All @@ -23,12 +46,22 @@ template {

workflow("maps") {
steps {
macro:map("operation", "subst")

workflow("macros") {
steps {
teststep {
text = "It was here"
text = "Static"
macro:create_steps("Passed from macro call")
macro:create_steps($message: "Set with map")

Expand Down

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