Frontend Developer | Software Engineering | Belém-PA, Brazil
Welcome to my profile! I am passionate about frontend development and am on an ongoing journey to push the boundaries of technology. My expertise lies in creating amazing, interactive interfaces, ensuring an exceptional user experience through careful design and precise development.
I’m currently working on Compass UOL
I’m currently learning React, Angular, TypeScript, Vue, Node, Ruby and Rails ❤️
Ask me about anything related to MERN stack, Rails and related technologies
Todas as vossas coisas sejam feitas com amor. | I Coríntios 16:14
- Test repository for FrontEnd developer vacancy at Yube.
- Test repository for FrontEnd developer vacancy at Link Soluções.
- Test repository for FrontEnd developer vacancy at Link Soluções.
- Test repository for FrontEnd developer vacancy at
- Application of slips organization using flutter based on the course taught at Rocketseat during NLW6.
- Github repository explorer using React.
- Github repository explorer using Vue.
- Github repository explorer using Angular.
- A simple CRUD api from users using Node.
- Simple api of a blog using adonis.
- Simple app from every list using React.
- App that searches for songs and playlist's directly on Spotify.
Challenge Backend 5 - Aluraflix
- Alura backend challenge 05 repository.
- A simple backend for studies using Nest.js
Made with ❤️ by Ruan Valente 👋🏽