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How to randomize items and blocks

Derek Powell edited this page Jul 3, 2017 · 2 revisions

Common randomization schemes

This wiki post will cover a few types of common randomization schemes:

  1. Simple randomization of items
  2. Randomizing blocks of ordered items
  3. Randomizing items within ordered blocks
  4. Randomized items within randomized blocks

Implementing in Formr

All of these schemes can be implemented using the item_order and block_ordercolumns within your survey spreadsheet.

The item order column has a very clear interpretation: it's the order the items will be displayed (1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc). Items assigned the same item_order value will be randomized.

The block_order column is a bit less obvious. It is really more like a "block assignment" variable. Entries in this column should be 1-4 letters ("A", "BB", "PRE", "POST", etc). Although we often think of letters as ordered, the block_order variable doesn't interpret them this way. Instead item (and block) orders are determined by the item_order variable.

The interaction of the variables is best demonstrated through examples.


1. Simple randomization of items

This will display an instructions trial (instr) followed by items 1-4 in a randomized order.

name block_order item_order
instr 1
item_1 2
item_2 2
item_3 2
item_4 2

2. Randomizing blocks of ordered items

Here, items 1-4 will be displayed in order within two randomly presented blocks.

name block_order item_order
item_1 A 1
item_2 A 2
item_3 B 1
item_4 B 2

3. Randomizing items within ordered blocks

The following items will be displayed across two pages. Block A will be displayed first, with item_1 and item_2 displayed in random order and a submit button displayed below them (instructions could also be placed at the beginning of the page in a similar fashion).

name block_order item_order
item_1 A 1
item_2 A 1
submit1 A 2
item_3 B 3
item_4 B 3
submit2 B 4

4. Randomized items within randomized blocks

Below is a fully randomized design with blocks of items each on their own pages.

Items 1-4 will be displayed in random order within blocks. The blocks will also be randomized, with each block appearing on its own page. A submit button will be displayed on the bottom of each page (a similar technique could also be used to place instructions at the beginning of the page in a similar fashion).

name block_order item_order
item_1 A 1
item_2 A 1
submit1 A 2
item_3 B 1
item_4 B 1
submit2 B 2
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