Repository for TI MMWave utils and simple processing.
This repository contains:
- A dirty linux port of TI's MMWave example
- A dirty linux port of TI's DCA1000 example
- Example python sofware for radar processing using CUPY
Perform the following steps to get started:
Install the dependencies as described in installation instructions.
- Connect the micro-USB port on the DCA1000 to your system
- Connect the AWR2243 to a 5V barrel jack
- Set power connector on the DCA1000 to RADAR_5V_IN
- Put the device in SOP0
- Jumper on SOP0, all others disconnected
- Connect the RJ45 to your system
- Set a fixed IP to the local interface:
sudo touch /etc/udev/rules.d/99-libftdi.rules
sudo vim /etc/udev/rules.d/99-libftdi.rules
Add the following line:
SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTR{idVendor}=="0451", ATTR{idProduct}=="fd03", GROUP="usb", MODE="0664"
Then create the group and add your user:
sudo useradd -G usb $USER$
sudo usermod -a -G usb $USER$
- Create and enter build folder:
mkdir build && cd build
- Setup cmake, use Ninja for generator:
cmake -G Ninja ..
- Build source:
You will find two binaries setup_dca_1000
and setup_radar
inside a newly created bin folder.